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Collaborating for Indigenous Rights 合作維護原住民權利
製作單位:National Museum of Australia
族群: 澳洲原住民  
主題: 法律政治、工作權益  
地點: 其他 其他    

合作維護原住民權利網站以探討戰後的澳洲,為推翻種族歧視的法律和為揭露種族主義而發動的運動。這是兩種根本不同的運動:有些是對公民權利而發的運動;有些則是對土地權利而發的運動。這些運動的目的在確保澳洲原著民和托雷斯海峽島民能被視為同等的澳洲公民,這意味著要改變法律,挑戰種族主義論者的行為,同時也像一面鏡子,揭露社會上基於種族因素使人民的權利被廢止的醜惡與不公正。這個網站的另一個主要導向是 “土地權利的爭奪”,為了澳洲原住民的土地權利,就一九六零年代有爭議的法律、道德和經濟方面以個案研究的方式來推展運動。

Collaborating for Indigenous Rights website explores the campaigns waged in postwar Australia to overturn discriminatory laws and expose racism. These campaigns are of two fundamentally different kinds: those for civil rights and those for land rights. Campaigns to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians were treated as Australian citizens meant changing laws, challenging racist behavior and holding a mirror up to society to expose the ugliness and injustice of people''s rights being abrogated on racial grounds. The other main strand in this site, ''The Struggle for Land Rights'', takes a case study approach to campaigns through the 1960s which argued, in legal, moral and economic terms, for Indigenous Australians'' rights to their lands.

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