原住民族林業發展課題是我國森林永續經營的重要環節。在遵守森林保育法規下,如何在兼顧原住民族生存的需求,以及輔導或協助原住民發展多元林業,達成照顧原住民生計及國土保安、森林資源永續利用之雙贏目標,更是林業與原住民族主管機關長期以來思考的課題。本文認為目前原住民族林業發展上,面臨三大困境: 1.土地利用有所限制; 2.林產價值不高、造林收入有限; 3.法有明文原住民族得依生活慣俗需要採取森林產物,惟案例實踐有限。本文建議未來應從原住民保留地用地、綠色產業、森林副產物之開發輔導、人才培訓、生態旅遊,以及相關配套法規之研議增訂等多重面向著手,方能促進原住民族林業發展。
Indigenous forestry is one crucial component of the sustainable development of national forestry. For years, both the Forest Bureau and the Council of Indigenous Peoples have sought to maintain a delicate balance between the protection of Indigenous livelihood and national land conservation. So far, three challenges to Indigenous forest are emerging: restrictions on land uses, low forest values accrued to Indigenous incomes, and limited Indigenous customary extractions of forestry products practiced. We suggest that a multiple-proned approach be followed.