研究內容 |
"教育部於 2013年進行的高中歷史綱要微調,原住民團體批判此舉缺乏原住民詮釋權,台灣因而仍是個殖民的國家。本文旨在援引後殖民國家,紐西蘭歷史課程綱要中毛利人相關歷史詮釋爭議的討論經驗,以提供檢討國民教育中歷史課程為殖民或後殖民地位的參考。
紐西蘭自 1990後之課程發展深受新自由主義政治治理思維的影響,市場導向的課程發展凌駕了學生批判思考能力的養成。這造成紐西蘭國家立國的歷史文件『懷坦基條約』( Treaty of Waitangi)流於為有名無實的窘境。多數的紐西蘭歷史學家認為《懷坦基條約》應為歷史教育課程的核心主題之一,因為其與國族認同之密切相關。歷史教育課程設計應提供多元詮釋討論的機會,以修正紐西蘭執政者長久以來對殖民歷史的霸權詮釋之事實,同時避免紐西蘭歷史教育淪為「再殖民」的可能。本文最後提供歷史教育的在紐西蘭過度到後殖民社會的當下所扮演的角色之文獻回顧。"
In 2003, opposed to Taiwan’s education ministry’s decision to revise ‘history’ curriculum guidelines for high school has led indigenous academics and societies to come together and express their joint dissatisfaction, criticizing Taiwan is still under colonization. This paper aims to provide a literature review of New Zealand’s history education development as from a colonial society to a post-colonial one, with a particular focus on Maori’s status in this transformation. Since 1990, the theory of neoliberalism has a strong impact upon New Zealand’s curriculum development, wherein market value overrides critical thinking and guides curriculum reform. In accordance, it is argued that the ‘Treaty of Waitangi’ as the national founding document, has become nominal in history education. It is argued, if New Zealand is moving toward to a post-colonial sovereign state, “the Treaty of Waitangi” should plays a central role in history education for its inseparable relationship to national identity. Also, history curriculum should embrace different interpretations of New Zealand colonial history, both as a way to disrupt Pakeha’s hegemonic discourse of British colonization and to avoid possibility of re-colonization. This paper concludes with a literature review of what history curriculum content might be like, while New Zealand is currently in the transition towards a post-colonial society.