依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群教育、一般教育  
作者 陳枝烈
期刊名 台灣原住民族研究學報5卷1期頁71-93
ISSN 2308-3263
地點 全臺 全部  

過去兩年來,部落學校的問題很多,有來自政策的躊躇、社會對學校制度與運作的迷思等所造成的威脅與偏失;也有學校內部人員對部落學校經營理念的錯誤、家天下與敬業精神不佳等所造成的失當與成效欠佳。而這內外因素常相互影響、交互糾纏、抵銷了其發展的形象與生機。研究者在本文中提出社會對部落學校的三個迷思:(1)政府每年給部落學校的經費那麼多,看不到成效;(2)部落學校每年只上 60天的課,其他時間老師在做甚麼;(3)部落學校都沒有教材,學生怎麼上課學習。並以多重角度說明這些迷思的偏失,希望社會不應以一般學校的型態去認知,不要越俎代庖、不要將它問題化,而是尊重他、協助他,成就他。

In the past two years, there have been some criticisms on the newly established tribal schools for the Indigenous Peoples. While the challenges may have arisen from policy hesitation on the part of the government and social prejudices against their operations, some are found to accrue from internal factors, including erroneous operational values and lack of professionalism. Three myths have been identified: limited resources provided for by the government, only two months are devoted for the school, and insufficient teaching materials. This article seeks to tackle these biases and makes efforts to offer some solutions for the difficulties that have merged so far.