The environment and society of Pongso no Tao’s (Lanyu Island) are facing serious challenges today. Modern environmental governance interfered and replaced Tao people’s traditional ecological knowledge and its practices. The people’s power and ability of taking care of and guarding natural environment and their own society have been deprived. This study presents the connotation of Tao traditional ecological knowledge of multivariate dynamic interactions with the environment. Pongso no Tao is facing the environmental issues and social changes under the control of modern environmental governance in the current state and impact of Globalization. It is expected that could be transformed based on traditional ecological knowledge in viewpoint of Tao people with response to and adjustment of modern environmental governance. Finally, to propose the governance model of sustainable homeland environment which Tao people are looking forward to. Tao people practice traditional ecological knowledge that has helped them to survive more than thousand years. The knowledge of Tao places in time and space, with uniquely formation of the Tao to the local natural environment adaptability and excellent resilience. That is not the de-contextualized modern environmental governance and its background knowledge can achieve.
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