研究內容 |
[ 摘要 ]
瑞士學者弗迪南•德•索緒爾(Ferdinand de Saussure)認為語言是一種表達觀念的系統並建立了一套符號學理念,我們可以設想有一門研究社會生活中符號生命的科學,其中語言符號(sign)是由能指(signifier)與所指(signified)結合,也就是音響形象與概念的連結。現代符號學(Semiology or Semiotics)的詞語語源也是索緒爾按希臘語的「符號」衍生出來的用語。
本文將以符號學分析的方式,探究阿美族導演Mayaw Biho所執導之一系列恢復傳統姓名之紀錄片,「請問蕃名」、「請問貴姓」、「一直變大又變小的名字」、「不願與你同姓─當歐密羅遇上葉莉茱」、「道島哇徠─百家姓外的大姓」,及公共電視台製播的「部落面對面」節目中第101集:「羅馬拼音 登記族名?」其中發現符號學可加以解釋的地方在於現行利用漢字音譯原住民名字,基本上為體系上之不同,無法共用之。就索緒爾所言,一個民族的風俗習慣常會在他的語言中有所反映,另一方面,在很大程度上,構成民族的也正是語言。因此政府應儘速恢復羅馬拼音登記原住民名字,讓原住民用自己的名字來復振自己的文化。
[ 英文摘要 ]
The thesis acquires the linguistic view of Semiotics to investigate the revival of Indigenous names in the Indigenous Movement, finds out the difficulties they have encountered through the revival and finally aims to explain.
The Swiss scholar, Ferdinand de Saussure, assumes that language is a system to express ideas and make up a set of concepts of semiotics. We can conceive of a science which studies the role of signs as part of social life where signs consists of signifier and signified. That is, signs are the combination of sound patterns and concepts. Semiology or Semiotics is created by Ferdinand de Saussure with the Greek word, semeion.
The thesis adapts the semiotic view to investigate a series of documentary films of revival Indigenous names: “What’s your family name?”, “The Expanding and Shrinking Names”, “Not willing to have the same family name—when Oemor meets Teiluj”, and “Daodaowalai—the Surname besides Hundred Family Surnames” directed by the Pangcah director Mayaw Biho and the 101 episode“ Assign tribe name with romanization?”of Tribe: Face to Face which is made by Public Television Service. The result reveals that we can use semiotics to explain the problem of using Chinese words to represent the indigenous names. Chinese words and indigenous names belong to different systems: one represents ideas and the other one represents sounds. Therefore, it is impossible to represent them vice versa. As Ferdinand de Saussure says a nation’s way of life has an effect upon its language. At the same time, it is in great part the language which makes the nation. So the government in Taiwan should let aboriginal people use Romanization to revive their indigenous name and have them use their real names to recover their own culture. |