依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 工作權益、學術研究  
作者 陳海雲
學校系所 國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]

微型創業的概念來自APEC(亞太經合會),而APEC 認為要改善婦女的經濟





引導原住民也嘗試自行創業,躋身在各個行業中努力,政府自2001 年政府極力

推廣創業,提供多元的創業貸款,輔導之成效後,新創事業每年約以3,000 至

5,000 件的速度成長,其中尤以女性族群成長比例較高,在2006 年女性創業比

例已達44.9%,與男性55.1%相去不遠(林仁菁 2007)。

行政院原住民族委員會自91 年至95 年之原住民族綜合發展基金貸款,總共

核貸了822 件,女性貸款就有346 件佔了4 成之多,由此可見,原住民女性在

創業市場上有漸進之趨勢,然台灣每年有近10 萬家的中小企業成立,但每年也

折損8 萬家僅存2 萬家,其中又以資本額較低規模較小的5 人以下的微型企業,


95 年選出了14 位原住民女性創業成功人才,本研究即針對已創業之原住民女性

做為研究主體,透過對個案的深度訪談及ATLAS.ti 軟體來分析,得知原住民女








[ 英文摘要 ]

This Concept of micro-entrepreneurship deriving from APEC (Asia Pacific

Economic Cooperation), it is said that the best method to improve women’s economy

is to encourage them by involving into it. Traditionally, Taiwan indigenous peoples

had always earned their living by farming, foresting, fishing, and herding as primary

industries, which relatively caused tribal society an inferior situation and low income.

With recent years of social, industrial, and educational change in structure, the

development of knowledge economic gives indigenous peoples an option to start their

own enterprise, or chances to serve in all walks of life. On the other hand, our

government also makes every effort to popularize to start a enterprise and provides

plural entrepreneurship loans. After effective guiding and assisting, a number of

entrepreneurships grow by 3000 to 5000 cases per year and have higher portions for

women. In 2006, entrepreneurship for women is up to 44.9% and not far from 55.1%

for men.

From 2002 to 2006, Council of Indigenous People, Executive Yuan had issued 822

loan cases in total from Indigenous People Developing Fund, whiled 346(40%) were

for women. Therefore, entrepreneurships for indigenous women are growing in

market. In Taiwan, about one hundred thousand small and medium-sized enterprises

establish every year, but only twenty thousand exist. Low capitalization and

less-than-five-people micro enterprises turn over faster. Entrepreneurship is easy,

but holding achievements is hard. Council of Indigenous People, Executive Yuan

had selected 14 successful indigenous women in 2006. This study, thus, focuses onindigenous women who have their own business by using In-Depth Interviewing and

ATLAS.ti software. And we get the result that the key factors for indigenous women

in entrepreneurship are keeping practicing and possessing great sense of mission for

indigenous culture. We have demonstrated with figures of network.

This study finds that when surveying their experiences and progress, responders

recalled the major problems were lack of entrepreneurship capitals (mainly), lack of

turnover capitals, lack of managing experiences, and lack of adaptable talents. Some

would think that government is not a helper but a barrier during entrepreneurship

progress. In the future, government should let it as a mirror when driving indigenous
