研究內容 |
[ 摘要 ]
研究目的 飲酒行為一直是原住民生活中重要的議題,本研究目的旨在探討原住民酒癮的相關影響因素。
研究方法 本研究為橫斷性研究,採用立意取樣。於2006年3月至5月以南投縣仁愛鄉法治村與力行村之原住民,共計1, 078人為母群體,其中以具有飲酒行為之493位進行酒癮的相關因素分析。
研究結果 研究對象開始飲酒年齡平均在22.14歲,平均飲酒為17.2年;平均飲酒量為每人每天36.65克,飲酒品項以維士比、保力達、啤酒及米酒居多。結果顯示,分別代表布農族及泰雅族的法治村及力行村,18歲以上的飲酒盛行率分別為73.2%及63.4%,另酒癮盛行率為37.5%及18.8%,皆比一般台灣社區為高。基本特質:族別、性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況、健康狀況與酒癮呈顯著性差異,布農族患有酒癮的勝算比為泰雅族的2.923倍;男性患有酒癮的勝算比為女性的3.230倍。嗜好習慣:抽菸習慣、平均每日抽菸量、嚼檳榔習慣、平均每日嚼檳榔數、開始飲酒年齡、每日飲酒量、自覺目前飲酒有無害處、節制飲酒意願與酒癮呈顯著性差異;節制飲酒方式為宗教、家人支持與酒癮呈顯著性差異。家庭功能與社會支持:家庭功能、社會支持與酒癮呈顯著性差異。
結論與建議 整體而言,抽菸量、每日飲酒量、自覺目前飲酒有無害處、節制飲酒意願、飲酒時刻及社會支持為影響原住民患有酒癮之重要相關因素。因此建議,應結合地方宗教的力量及醫療機構積極推動原住民節制飲酒的方案,注意有飲酒行為者之飲酒時間、飲酒量與節制飲酒意願,並增加就業機會,將有助於控制原住民酒癮之危險因子。
[ 英文摘要 ]
The purpose of this study was to analysis the correlate factors of the alcoholism in aboriginal community, which is one of the major issues in their lives.
We used the samples from Faji village and Lihsing village, two of the aboringal villages in Nantou county as the objects of this reseach. Faji villiage and Lihsing village represent the Bunnun tribe and Atayal tribe, two of the main aboringal community in Taiwan respectively. The total numbers of population of these two villages is 1,078. Those 493 are alcoholists from March to May 2006. The above 493 alchololists are the objects of our analysis.
We discover the average age of their virginal drunk is 22.14, and the average year is 17.2 years. The average quantity of alcohol that everyone drinks is 36.65 cc. per day. The main achohols they often employ are Sanyo Whisbih (維士比)、Paolyta B (保力達B)、beer and rice wine. The prevalence rate of drunken are 73.2% and 63.4% above 18 years old in Faji village and Lihsing village respectively, and their prevalence rate of alcoholism are 37.5% and 18.8%. The above numbers are higher than the average of those in Taiwan as a whole.
In their character, the seriousness of alchoholism in Bunnun community is 2.923 times of that of Atayal; and then the male is 3.230 times of that of female, in a constant condition of race, sex, age, education, marriage and healthy.
With the other hobbies, there are significant differences among those who have the hobbies as smoking, bitter nut chewing. And the average quantity of those hobbies are also exist the above significant differences. The major methods of prevention on alcohol are religions and support from their family. The family and social supports are two significant factors to prevent on alchoholism.
Lastly, we conclude that the quantity of smoking, drinking, sense of harmfulless, will of prevention on alcoholism, timing of drinking and social support are the major factors associated to alcoholism in aboriginal community. Then we also suggest that we must promote the prevention on alcoholism aggressively with the religions and the medicine institutions, especially pay more attention on the above accociated factors and increase their employment rate. |