依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
新移民的懷孕健康、生產結果及其新生兒出生健康狀況分析—以臺北市為例 The Pregnancy and Perinatal Outcomes among the Foreign Spouses in Taipei City
族群: 其他民族  
主題: 學術研究、醫療保健、統計調查  
作者 張嘉莉
學校系所 臺北醫學大學醫務管理學研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]


本研究以邏輯斯迴歸探討,在控制新生兒之性別、胎次、出生場所、出生地、產婦及其國人配偶之人口學特質後,產婦的原籍別是否影響其懷孕時健康特殊情形、孕程及產程特殊處理、生產方式、生產併發症、新生兒先天性缺陷,以及出生週數、出生體重、第一、第五分鐘Apgar Score等出生健康狀況。不同原籍別產婦的懷孕及生產併發症、孕產程特殊處理、剖腹產,以及新生兒早產和低出生體重發生率確實有顯著差異,但是產婦年齡、懷孕及生產併發症,以及國人配偶的人口學特質才是主要影響因素,產婦原籍別不是重要的解釋變項,新移民及原住民婦女不應該被污名化。

[ 英文摘要 ]

The pregnancy and perinatal outcomes among the foreign spouses in Taipei City have not been systematically studied on a large scale. The growing number of foreign spouses giving birth in Taiwan has important implications for clinical and public health policy. The purpose of this study was to describe and to compare the pregnancy, perinatal and birth outcomes among the foreign spouses in Taipei City.

Taipei City birth certificate data was linked to National Birth Registry System to retrieve live singleton deliveries in Taipei City during 2006 (n= 19,282). There were 1,698 births from foreign spouses during the study period, including China(n= 972), Vietnam(n= 647) and Indonesia(n= 79). After controlling for maternal and paternal socio-demographic characteristics, the relationship between nationality and pregnancy/perinatal/birth outcomes were investigated by Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were reported.

When compared with Taiwan-born non-aboriginal women, foreign spouses and Taiwan-born aboriginal women were significant younger and less educated (p< 0.001). There were significant differences in the incidence of pregnancy and labor complications, Cesarean sections, preterm delivery and low birth weight (LBW) infant between the foreign spouses and Taiwan-born women. In addition, women with pregnancy and labor complications, including anemia, diabetes, hypertension, pre-eclampsia and placenta previa, were at increased risk for adverse birth outcomes (OR: 1.9~12.8). Moreover, women aged more than 35 and whose husbands were less educated have higher risk of adverse birth outcomes.