依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
原住民部落生態旅遊遊客行為模式之研究-以達娜伊谷生態園區及司馬庫斯生態村為例 Behavior Model of Aboriginal Ecotourism-Examples of Danayigu and Sihmakusih
族群: 泰雅族 、鄒族   
主題: 學術研究、觀光旅遊  
作者 黃建豐
學校系所 雲林科技大學休閒運動研究所碩士班
地點 嘉義縣 阿里山鄉     新竹縣 尖石鄉    

[ 摘要 ]
本研究以達娜伊谷生態園區及司馬庫斯生態村為例,探討遊客參與原住民部落生態旅遊遊客之人口統計變數之分布、旅遊特性、及建構原住民部落生態旅遊行為模式。採自編問卷進行研究,內容包括原住民生態旅遊地之吸引力、旅遊動機、遊憩體驗、整體滿意度、遊後行為、旅遊特性、及遊客基本資料等七大部分。分別於2007年5月26、27日及7月7、8、14、21、22日在嘉義縣達娜伊谷生態園區,及9月2、9日及10月21日在新竹縣的司馬庫斯生態村,利用等距抽樣的方式,以體驗完畢正欲離去的遊客為對象,以十個抽取一個的系統抽樣方法,抽取隨機樣本,進行問卷調查,共發放636份問卷,其中拒答10份,廢卷5份,共得有效問卷621份。將所收集的資料以SPSS 12.0 進行統計分析與檢定,探討遊客之人口統計變數與旅遊特性等的分佈情形,利用LISREL 8.52 進行驗證性因素分析及結構方程模式的實證研究,以最大概似估計法(Maximum Likelihood Estimation)對本研究模式中各組變項間之因果關係進行估計。研究結果顯示,遊客以男性居多(56.2%);未婚者居多(54.3%);21至30歲者居多(39.4%);教育程度以大學者居多(63.3%);月薪以2至4萬元者居多(37.9%);居住地則因生態旅遊地點不同而有所差異,新竹縣的司馬庫斯生態村遊客以大台北地區者居最多(45.8%),嘉義縣的達娜伊谷園區遊客則以雲嘉南地區者居多(34.9%),顯示參與原住民生態旅遊的遊客具有明顯的地緣關係。實證研究顯示,原住民生態旅遊目的地之吸引力顯著的直接影響遊憩體驗,間接影響整體滿意度,間接影響遊後行為。旅遊動機顯著的直接影響遊憩體驗,間接影響整體滿意度,間接影響遊後行為。遊憩體驗顯著的直接滿意度,間接影響遊後行為。整體滿意度顯著的直接影響遊後行為。遊憩體驗及整體滿意度在本行為模式中具有顯著的中介效應。

[ 英文摘要 ]
This study assessed the behavioral model of aboriginal ecotourism using latent variables of destination attraction, motivation, recreational experiences, satisfaction, and after-travel behavior, travel characteristics, and elemental data of ecotourists at Danayigu and Sihmakusih. The questionnaire survey was performed on 26, 27 May, 7,8,14,21,22 July, 2, 9 September and 21 October. Respondents were sampled via a systematic sampling method (1 tourist out of every 10 was sampled) between 0900 and 1800 hours at exits areas while they were leaving. A total of 636 questionnaires were administered, with 10 tourists refusing to participate and 5 questionnaires being incomplete and thereby invalid, leaving a total of 621 valid questionnaires. Descriptive statistics of socio-demographic and travel characteristics were analyzed by SPSS 12.0. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis were analyzed by LISREL 8.52 for windows. All parameters were estimated by maximum likelihood method. Mainly descriptive findings were as follows: respondents were approximately half of male; 54.3% were married; 39.4% aged from 21 to 30 years old; 63.3% were college educated; ecotourists visited Sihmakusih village mainly lived in Taipei region (45.8%), while ecotourists visited Danayigu village mainly lived in the center of Taiwan (34.9%). Empirical results indicated that attraction significantly affected the recreational experiences directly and affected the satisfaction directly and affected the after-travel behavior directly. Tourist motivation significantly affected the recreational experiences directly and affected the satisfaction directly and affected the after-travel behavior directly. Recreational experience significantly affected the satisfaction directly and affected after-travel behavior directly. Satisfaction significantly affected the after-travel behavior directly. Recreational experiences and satisfaction were significant mediating variable in this behavioral model.