依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
族群: 泰雅族 、賽夏族 、平埔族群  
主題: 學術研究、觀光旅遊  
作者 賴如怜
學校系所 朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理系碩士班
地點 苗栗縣 南庄鄉    

[ 摘要 ]



一、 在經濟方面影響主要為就當地就業機會的增加、當地居民所得的提高、其他產業的帶動以及增加當地農特產品的銷售等,因此當地原住民觀光發展在經濟上有正面的影響。

二、 在社會文化方面影響方面,受訪居民認為當地原住民觀光發展例如透過經營民宿的過程對居民而言,能增廣見聞並獲取新知,與遊客進行人際上的互動及知識經驗的交流。

三、 在實質環境影響上,由於當地原住民觀光發展,使得居民對於附近環境及景觀的維護及美化更加的重視。

[ 英文摘要 ]

Since Pon Lai village, Nan Jown is an aboriginal region which includes abundant cultural and natural resources, it is suitable to develop tourism and leisure industries. Recently, Aboriginal Committee of Executive Yuan planed to develop the aboriginal tourism industries through Bed and Breakfast (B & B) to increase the economics of this aboriginal region.

The purpose of this research was basing on the view of establishment B & B village to discuss the residents’ perception of impacts from the aboriginal tourism. The results of this research may provide some suggestions to the manager of leisure industries and Governments in the future. The survey method of this research took in-depth interview with 12 residents in order to get more professional opinions from April 2nd,2002 to April 26th,2002. This results of this study were as followings:

(a) The economic impacts from developing the aboriginal tourism were to introduce relative leisure industries into this area. The advantage were to give more working opportunities and increase the demand of local farm products to increase residents’ income

(b) The social-cultural impacts of the residents’ perceptions from developing the aboriginal tourism were which residents can get more knowledge from the visitors.

(c)The physical environmental impacts from developing the aboriginal tourism were to let residents become aware the importance to maintain the environment.