研究內容 |
[ 摘要 ]
本論文的語料收集採自電視台的廣告,包括東森、八大、民視、TVBS、年代以及華視、中視、台視,約收集466則包含語碼轉換的廣告,以廣告內容就背景、語境、及人物的對話內容進行轉錄及分析。 語料中所顯現的語碼轉換包括以下形式:
我們語碼夾用在廣告依其功能分成八類: 加深印象、引起注意、增加族群認同、專業形象提升、增加生動趣味、容易記憶、充分表達、代稱以及雙重認同。從上述分析,可以讓我們從商業動機的角度去探索語碼轉換機制在社會語言學上的議題,幫助我們了解台灣這個多語社會的語用情形。本文以語用學分析台灣電視廣告中角色以及旁白的性別、年齡,歸納出較多數的廣告以男性作為轉換語言的角色。男性又以年齡35-44歲為數最多。相對於男性表現在閩南語的優勢,女性使用語碼轉換時多會稍多集中在英語。整體而言,所使用的轉換語言,以閩南語居冠,英語次之。值得注意的是日語轉換在某些類別也已經展現出和英語不相上下的比例而且多以女性呈現。
[ 英文摘要 ]
Consumer behaviors are vigorous in the contemporary Taiwanese society. In order to create effective commercials, advertisement designers are making every effort to adopt various strategies and measures. Among the TV commercials in Taiwan, code-switching is common. Advertisement is a refined language, and “code-switching” is used as a technique to enhance advertising effects. Sometimes, its effects are irreplaceable by other methods. In this research, we analyzed the effects and types of “code-switching” in TV commercials, compared the advertising effects between single-language commercials and commercials using code-switching, and induced the timing of using code-switching in commercials and its delicate effects on language expressions.
The research samples were a total of 466 commercials using code-switching collected from some major TV channels in Taiwan, including ETTV, GTV, FTV, TVBS, ERA, CTS, CTV and TTV. The background, context, and dialogues in each commercial were transcribed and analyzed. The types of code-switching discovered from the samples included:
1.To use Mandarin as the major language and switch to Taiwanese dialects (including Taiwanese, Hakka, and aboriginal languages).
2.To use Taiwanese as the major language and switch to Mandarin.
3.To use Mandarin or Taiwanese as the major language and switch to other foreign languages (including English, Japanese, French, Thai…) or use a foreign language as the major language and switch to Mandarin or Taiwanese.
The functions of code-switching in advertisement were classified into eight kinds, including deepening impression, drawing attention, increasing ethnic identity, enhancing professional image, increasing expressiveness and fun, being easy to remember, ease of expression, referential function, and double identity. Through the above analysis, we could explore the issue of code-switching in sociolinguistics from the perspective of commercial motivations and understand the pragmatics in this multilingual society. The pragmatic analysis in this study was based on the roles in TV commercials as well as the gender and age of narrators. It was discovered that in most TV commercials, code-switching was performed by male roles, mostly aged between 35-44 years old. Compared with male roles taking the advantage in Taiwanese expressions, female roles used relatively more English in code-switching. Generally speaking, Taiwanese was the main language used in code-switching, followed by English. It should be noted that in some categories of TV commercials, the percentage of using Japanese in code-switching was similar to that of using English, and this type of code-switching was usually performed by female roles.
keywords: code-switching, pragmatics, advertising language, multi-language, sociolinguistics |