研究內容 |
[ 摘要 ]
以2005年健保資料庫中申報急診之病患且年齡未滿18歲者為研究對象,並聯結「死因統計資料檔」、「戶籍登記檔」、「醫事機構年底現況檔」取得變項資料,以廣義估計方程式(generalized estimating equations,GEE)分析影響兒童急診暫留時間、再急診、急診死亡之因素。
[ 英文摘要 ]
Nearly a quarter of all emergency department visit in our country are made by children.The physiological and emotional attributes of children impact not only their susceptibility to illness and injury,but also the ways in which providers need to assess and treat them.Nevertheless,there is no population based study in Taiwan to assess the ED utilization and quality of care for children.
TO assess ED utilization for children and to estimate the risk factors which effect ED length of stay, revisit, and the death after emergency department for children on patient and hospital levels.
All patients participate in National Health Insurance seen ED during 2005 and 0-17 years old.TO link claim databases(the mortality registry database, census registry database and registry for contracted medical facilities database) to get variables.The significance of risk factors for ED length of stay, revisit, and death after emergency department were assessed by Generalized estimating equations(GEE).
The utilization rate of ED for children was 19.8%.All ED visits per 100 children was 29.8 times.The common reasons for ED was “other upper respiratory infections ”(20.1%).The rate of ED length of stay over 6 hours was 4.05%. The rate of ED length of stay over 1 day was 0.14%.The revisit rate within 3 days was 5.29%.The mortality rate within 30 days was 0.06%.In the patients characteristics.The ED length of stay over 6 hours for children were associated with female,older age, aborigine,lower urbanization degree, Catastrophic Illness,severe co-morbidity and triageⅠ. The ED length of stay over 1 day for children were associated with order age, aborigine,sub-severe co-morbidity and triageⅡ.The ED revisit were associated with male,age younger, Catastrophic Illness,lower income,severe co-morbidity, and triageⅠ. The ED mortality rate within 30 days were associated with age younger, Catastrophic Illness,severe co-morbidity and triage. In the hospital characteristics.The ED length of stay over 6 hours were associated with medical center, high ED volume.The ED mortality rate within 30 days were associated with fewer ED doctors.There are relative high probability to stay in the ED beyond 6 hours or 1 days and revisit when visit ED in the non-holidays.
ED quality of care for children were affected by patient and hospital characteristics and the time of visit.We suggest to improve the flow of ED sevices to reduce unnecessary ED length of stay.TO strengthen the consultations of pediatrician and preprinted order sheets for the high risk patient of revisit to ED. Furthermore, the administration should strengthen the ability of hospital to take care the urgent case and improve the quality of care for children. |