依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
環境可持續性與原住民族社會發展探討─—以泰雅爾族捍衛土地聯盟之行動/行動者為例 A Study of Environmental Sustainability and Social Development of Indigenous People: A Case from the Actions and Actors of “Tayal Land Defending League”
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 法律政治、災害防救  
作者 郭靜雯
學校系所 靜宜大學生態學研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]
研究者以質性研究中的參與觀察法,實際參與「泰雅爾族捍衛土地聯盟」行動,由過程的記錄與訪談,分析行動內涵、訴求與復育機制,以探討泰雅族在現代社會及傳統文化交織互動下與國家在國土復育觀點與機制的差異,從文獻分析國家政策下泰雅族面臨的土地問題與困境,並拉出行動背後的社會文化脈络與文化核心的現代意義。本論文實際研究成果為,「泰雅爾族捍衛土地聯盟」提出一套由下而上,以泰雅族傳統社會制度的流域社群:「流域聯盟qutux llyung」及地方知識,重構出泰雅式土地與自然資源管理制度,以此機制要求與國家共同管理流域自然環境,試圖建立族群主體性及公共政策參與、與國家共同管理土地資源的可能性。回歸到可持續發展的思考,在這個案例下,「在地參與」與「在地知識」為環境可持續發展的關鍵,原住民族社會發展與環境可持續性可有所連結。

[ 英文摘要 ]
Taiwan land, through vary different reins of government and ethnics, arise different land use .The major concern of this thesis is after natural disasters and land breakup, Nation and Tayal rethink the value of how to treat with nature and land, and the way of land re-conservation, discuss the relation of social development of indigenous people and environmental sustainability. The thesis background is 2004 July and August typhoons caused great damage, the nature and Tayal people, tribes got serious damage, after typhoon people criticized, government constitute “Land Re-conservation Policy”, including “Land Re-conservation Draft Bill” and “Land Re-conservation Project”. For Tayal, because the Land Re-conservation Policy lack of indigenous viewpoint and participate, it will make great effect of Tayal existence and livelihood. Therefore this kind of “people and nature separate” Land Re-conservation Policy made an ineluctability conflict of social development of indigenous people and environmental sustainability. A group of Tayal organized called “Tayal Land Defending League”, through a series of actions and assembly, advance “ Tayal’s Land Re-conservation Project”, and ask Nation must respect the right of Tayal co-participate land re-conservation project, establish the Tayal subjectivity land management and tribe development ability.
Participate Observation is the main method in this study, I participate the actions of “Tayal Land Defending League”, by recording the actions and interviews, I analyzed contents of actions, declares and re-conservation system, and discuss the different of re-conservation views and systems between Nation and Tayal. By literature analyzing, I present the problems and struggles of Tayal land, and social culture context and the modern meaning of corn Tayal culture behind the actions. In results, “Tayal Land Defending League” present a local point of view called “watershed leagues (Qutux Llyung)”and local knowledge, rebuild a Tayal’s land and resources management system, and ask Nation to co-manage watershed, try to make a possibility of Tayal subjectivity and participate public policy decision, co-conservation land and resources with Nation. In sustainability, in this case, local participation and local knowledge are the key points of environmental sustainability. By this way environment sustainability and social development of indigenous people can make a relationship.