研究內容 |
[ 摘要 ]
本論文主要關切在於原住民知識生產與原住民作為研究者及被研究者之間的關係。以部落族人的身分,論述qalang Smangus(司馬庫斯部落)從1991迄今,所推動的「土地共有制」、「守護傳統領域」與「對外宣示自然資源權力」的實踐行動。論文中指出部落主體的堅定立場背後最重要的是-部落內一直延續到現在的「人與自然的關係」,而這樣的觀念即是建基在Gaga na Tayal(泰雅人的知識),並以此做為本研究探討的核心。本文的研究方法,以質性研究,實踐取向的「行動研究法」(action research)、結合人類學民族誌(Ethnography)方法,從「局內人」(insider)的身分切入部落推動「部落發展」與「自然保育」的事件,並進而探討有關泰雅人知識的意義,從而提出更為全貌性對部落的理解。本文關於知識的探討從「地方知識」這樣的概念開始,質問它到底在某一個地方文化的社經發展中的意義何在?在分析上以時間為主軸,一方面指出源自日治、國府、至今日之學術社群,如何長期代言泰雅人的認識方式。另一方面,則嘗試拉出一個知識主體的自主詮釋空間,近一百年來關於「泰雅族知識」如何被學術社群生產與建構。本文的具體研究成果展現在Smangus自主性知識生產的過程,包括:1. Tnunan土地共有制的建立;2. 2005年部落森林守護五年保育計劃;3. 深入原始森林持續進行傳統領域現地調查;4. 常態性部落導覽與歷史解說;5. 生態文化體驗課程;6. Trakis(小米)農事生產過程等。文中詳細論述部落如何在前述實踐取向的行動中,建構以部落為主體的地方知識實踐,期待對台灣原住民族「知識實踐取向」的建構有所啟發,其主要的重點在於隨土地私有化、山路開通部落急遽資本化,個人與集體利益衝突的社會網絡中,部落族人如何理出一條持續發展的道路。最後,本文分別從信仰、實踐、知識三個面向提出活絡地方知識的關鍵因素作為建議。
[ 英文摘要 ]
The major concern of this thesis is the relations between ”the production of indigenous knowledge” and “the ways indigenous peoples being a researcher and researched”. As an insider in my research area, the Smangus village, I discussed a series of practices achieved by qalang Smangus (literally means Smangus village) since 1991. These include the establishment of collective land tenure system, traditional territory defending action, and the announcement of natural resources rights. An action-oriented ethnography approach is employed as the main method in this study. By this way, I participated in the development and nature conservation events in the qalang (village). The meanings and practices of the knowledge of Tayal People are revealed in a holistic way. Theoretically, I started with the enquiry of the concept of “local knowledge”, particularly concerning its meanings in the local socio-economic context. Besides, a historical review is made to address how the succeeding Japanese colonial, post-war and current academic communities represent Tayal people. Following the review, a “native point of view” criticism is made through my own understanding of Tayal knowledge production. In results, firstly I indicated the subjectivity of qalang Smangus is made through a continuing process of human-nature relation practices, which is related closely with the production of gaga na Tayal, the knowledge of Tayal people. Secondly, I show how people in the qalang construct our own local knowledge is coupled with the expectations to find the way for sustainable development in a modern social context. Furthermore, the expectations have to struggle with the dominant private property system, road constructions caused by natural disasters, and entrenching capitalistic institution, in which the major conflicts emerged significantly between personal interests and collective interests. In the end of this thesis, I also make some suggestions to the key elements of revitalizing local knowledge from the aspects of belief, practice and knowledge. |