研究內容 |
[ 摘要 ]
[ 英文摘要 ]
The main purposes of this study were to research that Taiwan’s Aborigines graduate students how to construct their ethnic cultural identity and what internal or extrinsic factors would affect the construction of ethnic cultural identity. Additionally, the study analyzed the developmental stages and models of ethnic cultural identity further. Finally, figure out the relationship between school education and Aborigines graduate students’ educational attainments with their ethnic cultural identity.
In order to achieve the purposes mentioned above. A semistructured interview format based on literature review was developed to collect life stories about their ethnic culture from six Taiwan’s Aborigines graduate students of National Chung Cheng University. Besides, the study also used two questionnaires, one is” ethnic cultural identity scale”, and the other is” ethnic cultural identity’s factors/ models/ developments questionnaire” to collect more study data. According to comprehensive analyzed, compared with all study data, a number of findings were draw up through the analyses conducted. Last, based on the findings, the study also proposed seven suggestions for educational guidance and administration.
The construction of Aborigines graduate students’ ethnic cultural identity was affected by internal and extrinsic factors. Internal factors included of ethnic self-identification, sense of belonging, ethnic attitudes and ethnic involvement. The more these four factors they got, the more degree of identity they had. Extrinsic affections included of family, school and society factors. Among these, family and school factors were the most important affections for constructing cultural identity. Additionally, the developmental stages of Aborigines graduate students’ ethnic cultural identity almost presented encounter, pre-internalization and internalization stage. And they were all belonged to “Acculturative” identity model. Aborigines graduate students attributed their educational attainments to their ethnic welfare and encouragement .They would promised to pay their ethnic groups back by their academic study in the future. They also think that improving Aboriginal education resources, teacher profession and school curriculum would promote ethnic culture and identity development. |