研究內容 |
[ 摘要 ]
學生:林仲川 指導教授:洪清一博士
壹、 資源教室經營現況方面
一、 合格特教教師不足,戶籍設於外縣市者占有相當比例,服務資源教室二、三年以上者不多,流動率相當頻繁。
二、 合格特教教師修有資源教室學分或職前研習者比例有限,專業素養有待觀察。
貳、 資源教師角色期望與角色踐行方面
一、 角色期望度均在「高」及「高上」等級,角色踐行度則在「中等」及「高」等級,角色踐行程度仍有加強之空間。
二、 一般而言,角色期望度高者其踐行度亦高,惟期望度高者以為人師必備之基本職責居多,須具有專業知能與專業精神之部分,如特教研究與教材教具研發等,仍有不足之虞。
參、 訪談方面
一、 專業師資不足因素諸多,如何提昇教育服務品質面臨考驗;資源教室概念與定位不清,行政人員與普通班教師特教知能有待加強;家長參與不夠積極,有效的雙向溝通尚待努力。
二、 原住民與偏遠地區學校更需資源教室的設置,如何落實本土化與具體化的資源教室模式,實為特殊教育當急之務。
[ 英文摘要 ]
Research on the Current State of Operation and Related Problems of Hualien Area Elementary and Junior High School Resource Rooms
Student: Lin Chung-chuan Advising Professor: Hung Ching-yi, Ph. D
Graduate Institute of Compulsory Education Special Education & Teaching Masters Program, National Hualien Teachers College
The main objective of this research is to investigate the state of operation and
related problems of Hualien area elementary and junior high school resource classrooms. To reach this research objective, this researcher focused on the elementary and junior high school administrative personnel and teachers of resource classrooms set up in the Hualien area. These research subjects were given questionnaires and interviews, with the expectation of reaching a deeper and broader level of understanding.
The research results were:
l. Present state of operation of resource classrooms
i. There was a shortage of qualified special educational teachers. Those with household registrations outside of Hualien City or County made up a relatively high percentage. Not many teachers serve in resource classrooms for 2 or 3 years or up; teacher turnover is frequent.
ii. There were a limited percentage of qualified special educational teachers with resource classroom college credits or research and study before beginning work. The professional quality of resource teachers should be kept under observation.
ll. Resource teachers’ role expectations and role performance:
i. Role expectations were all at the “high” and “very high” level; the level of role performance was “medium” to “high”. The level of role performance can still be enhanced.
ii. Generally speaking, those teachers with high role expectations also had high role performance. Only those with high expectations possessed that basic sense of professional responsibility that a teacher needs to have should be in the majority. A portion of professional knowledge and ability and of professional spirit is also needed. There is still a lack of research on special education and development of teaching materials and aids, etc.
lll. Interview Results:
i. The factors for the lack of professional teachers are many. How to raise the quality of educational service is the challenge we face. The concept and position of the resource classroom is unclear, and the special education knowledge and ability of administrative personnel and teachers of regular classes needs enhancement. Parents do not participate actively enough, and effective 2-way communication requires much hard work.
ii. Aboriginal schools and those set up on remote districts require even more resource classrooms than regular schools. The pressing need in the field of special education is how to realize in practice a localized and concretized resource classroom model.
According to the research results and findings, concrete and practicable suggestions are made. The expectation is that the educational authorities concerned, institutions that cultivate teaching professionals, and schools will stress Hualien area resource classrooms and allow their special functions and features to be effectively realized. |