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林羿吟 |
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輔仁大學西班牙語文學系 |
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[ 摘要 ]
本論文試圖從語言間的接觸與交流,進一步的來從歷史的角度來探討由古至今,從其他當初強勢的外來語到當代世界語言霸主 ─英語,對當代西班牙語的影響與干擾。
本論文共有三個章節,前言以及結論五個部分。 第一章是由歷史的角度來追溯影響西班牙文的主要外來語。 眾所皆知,西班牙語為拉丁語系的其中一支。 現代西班牙文除源自拉丁文外,因歷史背景之故,也曾受到下列主要語言的影響: 伊比利半島上羅馬帝國入侵前的語言、希臘語、日耳曼語、阿拉伯語、義大利語、法語、美洲原住民語,英文。 然而,大多數的外來語均可視為豐富語言的一環,直到英語的興起,對西語詞彙及句法的規則漸漸的產生影響及干擾。
第二、第三章則是從兩個語言的根源來看其中的演變,進而比較出雙語詞彙中的同源字,並探討這個當代世界的霸權語文對西班牙的影響。 從兩語共享的同源字中,我們看到英語對西語語意上的干擾。 由於兩個語言中存在著許多相似度極高的詞彙,往往在雙語間的互相使用上,強勢語言對另一語言經常會有語意上的轉移,因此我們會看到雙方間字義的負面干擾,和字義上的誤用。 此外,不可避免的,英文中許多西班牙中缺乏的單字,在借代的過程中,對西語本身的規則也具有極大的影響,進一步產生拼字、發音、詞法、語意及句法上的革新。 從上述的分析中,我們可以看到一系列相關的例子來幫助我們了解西班牙文在英語的入侵下,反映出各個語言層面上的作用,進而探討當代西班牙語中與英文接觸時可能產生影響與干擾。
[ 英文摘要 ]
This study tries to discover the exchange and interraction between languages from the old period to the present time. As we know, Spanish is a branch of Latin languages, but when we trace back its history, we know that it was influenced by the following languages: Preroman languages, Greek, Germanic, Arabic, Italian, French, American Indigenous languages, and English.
We consider all foreign languages as an enrichment for the Spanish language. However, the appearance of English starts to interfere with the lexical and syntactical rules of Spanish. By the contact between Spanish and this hegemonic language, English, we can see the evolution and the influence of cognates between them. From the cognates shared by both languages, we know that these two languages have plenty of words with similar patterns. We can also see that the more vehicular and hegemonic one can easily influence the semantics of the other one. As a result, we can observe the negative transference and the semantic confusion of both languages. Furthermore, during the process of loaning words, a lot of the English words which Spanish lacks could influence the orthographic, phonetic, morphologic, lexical and syntactic innovation of Spanish language. From the above analysis, there is a series of correlative examples that help us understand the invasion of the English language into Spanish, reflecting the function of each linguistic level in order to discuss the possible influence and interference of the language contact.