依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
台灣原住民紀錄片:導演生存心態下之美感詮釋 Indigenous Documentary films in Taiwan:Aesthetic Perspectives on Director''s habitués
作者 謝佳玲
學校系所 國立東華大學民族藝術研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]


  本論文旨在探討4部台灣原住民紀錄片的表現手法與作者之概念性思維關係,再進一步研究其作者的概念性思維如何影響影像的詮釋手法擇取。針對紀錄片作者的概念性思維之探討,本文所採用研究方法主要以Pierre Bourdieu的場域、文化資本、生存心態學理為基礎,並利用深度訪談方法輔助,以探究作者心態;針對紀錄片文本的表現手法之分析,本文所採用的研究方法主要以Bill Nichols的紀錄片再現模式,及紀錄片形式特徵與造型元素等分析方法為主。本文最末探討出主體對客體的概念性思維、作者之生存心態以及概念性思維如何影響影像表現之擇取等三項結論。

[ 英文摘要 ]

Since mid 1990, Indigenous directors in Taiwan have represented their socio- cultural and ethnic awareness, with reflection towards lives, on the medium of documentary films. Historical perspectives from main stream could not be seen in those documentaries, instead, critical thinking and social reflections applied within those films. However, conventional academic discourses rarely involve topics such as filming types of individual directors and how they interpret. This thesis mainly focus on various filming types with reflection of directors’ perspectives. The film scenes have embedded relations of conceptual contexts and filming types. Discussion of the relations would provide another path to film studies which often spotlight on social issues and style.

Based on Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of field, culture capital and habitués, this thesis explores mindset of selected Indigenous directors, by method of deep interviews. Moreover, this thesis analyzes documentaries’ filming type, following Bill Nichols’s concept of Documentary Modes of Representation, and the characters of documentary filming types. This thesis further discusses the conceptual minds on objects and subjects, film makers’ habitués and how those conceptions evolved in selections of picture scenes.