依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
台東東河部落「慢走漫遊」之部落觀光研究 “Leisurely Wander” of Donghe Community in Taitung Country─ A Tribal Tourism Research
作者 蔣美玲
學校系所 國立東華大學族群關係與文化研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]

摘 要




[ 英文摘要 ]


In Taiwan, many indigenous communities are located at remote areas, where transportation is inconvenient, and making a living difficult; as a result, many indigenous residents migrated to the metropolis to seek employment. However, those who migrated to the metropolis were restricted by their lack of human capital, cultural capital, and social capital, so that they were unable to achieve better social status in the Han people’s mainstream society. In recent years, tourism development in many indigenous communities has been regarded as important means to overcome their economic difficulties, this research is interested in finding out the impact of community tourism development on local culture and economy.

In 2005, the East Coast National Scenic Area initiated a new project, “Leisurely Wander”, hoping to help tourists experience nature and local culture in the east-coast of Taiwan. This thesis focuses on Donghe Community of Taitung Country, in order to understand cultural and economic impacts of tourism after the tribe took part in the “Leisurely Wander” project. This research applies the methods of participant observation, in-depth interview, and secondary data analysis in order to better understand Donghe Tribal tourism development issues.

The research found that Donghe Commumity is still undertaking preliminary preparations, such as facilities constructions, tourist information collection, and resorts development in the past two years (2006-2008). During the process, as far as the cultural impact caused by tourism development is concerned, cultural tradition is reanimated and provides cohesion and a positive self-identification among the tribal residents. On the other hand, the economic impact is not significant for not many tourists visit this tribe yet. Without a stable source of tourists, the tribe residents dare not to be too optimistic about tourism development. Besides, residents of Donghe Community still follow the traditional age-groups social structure; as a result, regarding the tourist affairs, the residents often follow the leader’s instruction and emphasise the importance of co-operation and harmony. However, this is also a factor delaying tourism development, as the young people dare not to contradict their elders so that young people can only obey passively. How to break the rules of age-groups structure to promote tourism, how to develop tourism-related local enterprises, and how to intergrate the local resources, these are the main issues coufrenting Dounghe Community.