依類型 族群 主題   
2007.06.01 ~ 2008.06.01
作者 靳瑞芳
學校系所 高雄師範大學教育學系生命教育碩士班
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 本研究設計是橫斷式調查研究法、以立意取樣、針對接受肝臟、心臟、腎臟器官移植受贈者168名居家病人為研究。研究工具運用「生命意義感量表」與「生活品質量表」作為研究資料之收集,之後並以SPSS 11.0 Window 版本分析資料包括:描述分析、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、皮爾遜相關積差等等分析,來探討器官移植受贈者生命意義感與生活品質之現況與相關性。本研究結果歸納如下:





五、器官移植受贈者在生理健康方面與生命目的呈現顯著正相關 : 在心裡健康方面與存在盈實、生命目的、生命控制、整體生命意義呈現相關;在社會健康方面與生命目的




[ 英文摘要 ]


A study on the meaning and quality of life in patients after organ transplantation

This is a cross-sectional, purposive sampling study. One hundred and sixty-eight patients who received liver, heart, and kidney organ transplants were included in our study. The meaning of life scale and life quality scale were used in the data collections. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 11.0. Values of two-sided p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Statistic methods include descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, chi-square test, and Pearson product-moment correlation analysis. We want to determine whether the associations between the meaning of life and life quality exist in organ transplant recipients.

The result of our study is summarized as follows:

1. The organ transplant recipients have above medium meaning of life. The mean score on the Life Purpose dimension subscale is the highest; the Death Acceptance dimension subscale is the lowest.

2. The organ transplant recipients have above medium quality of life. The mean score on the healthy factor dimension subscale is the highest; the environmental factor dimension subscale is the lowest.

3. The health, social adaptation, and environmental adaptation are best in the liver transplant recipients. The mental health and quality of life are best in heart transplant recipients.

4. The organ transplant may bring significant influence on the life quality, especially in the family support、marriage、economic impact, the types of donor organs、stablization of organ、complications、and self health condition.

5. Positive correlation between health and life purpose is noted in organ transplant recipients. Mental health is correlated with existential vacuum. Life purpose, life control, and meaning of life. Social health is highly correlated with life purpose. Environmental health is correlated with existential vacuum, life purpose, and life control.

In conclusion, our preliminary result may bring a contribution to clinical physicians, organ transplant teams and public policies.

Key words: Organ recipient, the meaning of life scale, quality of life