依類型 族群 主題   
2006.06.01 ~ 2007.06.01
原住民地區未達公告金額採購市場現況探討 - 以委託技術服務為例
作者 杜張梅莊
學校系所 國立台北科技大學土木與防災研究所
地點 全臺 全部  
研究內容 [ 摘要 ]

[ 英文摘要 ]
Ever since Council of Indigenous People, Executive Yuan announces the「Indigenous Peoples Employment Rights Protection act」on October 31st, 2001, it affects a lot on the development of economics in aboriginal area by bringing billions and billions every year. However, constrained by all levels of the government, the public school, and the public enterprises could not be able to carry out the execution, the rights that the legislation gives to the aborigines are unable to protect the aborigines.This article focuses on the legislative meaning of Section 11 of 「Indigenous Peoples Employment Rights Protection act」and use the statistics data from official organizations like Council of Indigenous People, Executive Yuan and Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan, and also by interviewing the expert and questionnaire survey, to analyse and explain how and why Section 11 is being deviate and how to prevent the deviation. So we could provide the relative organization to really executive Section 11.
The execution of 「Indigenous Peoples Employment Rights Protection act」gradually involves different fields. During the time the construction market has not yet resuscitated totally, the legislation caused many discussion in the construction field. Take the procurement projects in construction work in all aboriginal rural townships in the whole nation for example; there are more than 1,590 projects in 2004. The total procurement budget is over NT$4.56 billion. Such a high scale of procurement has become major influence on the national construction markets and the operation environment for contractors. From the studies of documents and correlative
statistics data, we have summarize the following four points: First, the construction industry provides the main income for the aboriginal family; Second, the laws and the regulations needs to be reorganized; Third, the official organization for procurement is lack of comprehension; Fourth, the supply and demand of the construction industry is out of balance. Moreover, to provide suggestions to the official organization future amendment based on the conclusion of studies.