如何經由數位典藏學習文化產品設計之研究__ 以台灣原住民服飾為例 An Application of Digital Archive in Cultural Product Design
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涂良錦 |
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國立臺灣藝術大學造形藝術研究所 |
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[ 摘要 ]
台灣過去的經濟奇蹟是架構在台灣人勤儉的習性,拼的是如何「降低成本(cost down)」生產「物美價廉」的產品,即所謂的代客加工(OEM)。隨著台灣人消失中的勤儉美德,加上產業結構丕變與外移,我們意識到降低成本固然重要,經由設計「提高價值(value up)」更重要,即所謂代客設計(ODM)。最後,透過文化加值設計產業,自創品牌,提升產品的「附加價值(value added)」,所謂自創品牌(OBM),正是目前我們努力的方向。另一方面,全球化的聲浪中,在地化的課題一再地被強調,政府為因應全球化的趨勢,提出「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計畫」將文化創意產業納入,顯示台灣經濟面臨轉型的迫切,建立台灣風格與形塑台灣品牌的經濟型態正是未來努力的方向。
[ 英文摘要 ]
The “Economic Miracle” of Taiwan was made possible by the hard work of Taiwanese “industriousness and thrift”. In the OEM era, Taiwan’s manufacturers reduce costs to produce “cheap and fine” products to be successful in the global market. After 1980, Taiwan enterprises began to develop ODM patterns to extend their advantages in OEM manufacturing. Recently, product design in Taiwan had stepped into the OBM era. Recently, cultural and creative industry has already been put to “Challenge 2008: National Development Grand Plan,” demonstrating the governments’ eagerness of transforming Taiwan’s economic development by “Branding Taiwan” using “Taiwan Design” with Taiwanese culture.
In the global market for local design era, the connections between culture and design have been increasingly close. For design, cultural value-adding creates the core of product value. It’s the same for culture; design is the motivation of pushing cultural development forward. Therefore, based on the “Taiwan multi-culture”, the purpose of this paper is intended to study how to transfer the “cultural features” to design elements, and design “cross culture” into cultural products to reinforce design value up. This paper has been established a cross cultural design model to provide designers with a valuable reference for designing a successful cultural product. The cultural product was designed using scenario and story-telling approach. In practical design process, four steps are used to design a cultural product, namely, investigation, interaction, development, and implement. Results presented herein create an interface to look at the way designers or novices communicate across culture, as well as the interwoven experience of design and culture in design process.