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國立臺灣海洋大學教育研究所 |
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[ 摘要 ]
國小學童補救教學之實施是秉持教育公平與及早介入的理念,提供學業低成就學生課後額外的學習協助。因此,本研究將探索國小教師對補救教學的認知與其知覺到補救教學的實際狀況。以半結構式方式訪談4位曾實施補救教學之教師,透過內容分析並綜合相關文獻資料及個人實務工作經驗,編製「教師對學業低成就學童補救教學的看法與實施現況調查」問卷。經由階層隨機抽樣抽取基隆地區7個行政區16所學校共251位國小教師(回收率93.66 %)。
研究結果顯示,國小教師對補救教學的主要認知依序為(1)教師與學業低成就學生建立良好的互動、互信關係(2)教師確知每一位學業成就學生的學習障礙 (3)教師對補救教學科目與教材的熟悉度;對補救教學實際狀況的主要知覺依序為(1)教師對補救教學科目與教材的熟悉度(2)教師與學業低成就學生建立良好的互動、互信關係(3)補救教學的實施提高學業低成就學生按時完成作業的比例。另外,兩者之間主要的認知差距顯示在(1)學業低成就學生的家長在家中指導孩子的課業學習(2)減輕教師兼任學校行政方面的工作(3)教師私下招募有能力的家長或有能力的社區人士,義務為低學業成就的學生進行補救教學等三方面。
[ 英文摘要 ]
‘Remedial Teaching’ has been highly recognised for providing extra academic support within learning retarding pupils based on the concepts of ‘educational justice’ and ‘early involvement’. Hence, this research aims to explore the gap between primary school teachers’ cognitions of ‘Remedial Teaching’ and the real situations. There were 4 primary school teachers involved in semi-structured interviews, and based on content analysis, the questionnaire. “The opinions related to the cognitions and real situations on ‘Remedial Teaching”, has been developed. Furthermore, the stratified sampling has been employed within Keelung area, and there were 251 primary schools involved in this survey (response rate is 93.66%).
The results show the 3 more important issues related to ‘Remedial Teaching’ are (1) acceptable interactions between teachers and students (2) understating individual learning problems (3) the familiarity of the teaching materials. The 3 major perceptions of real situations are (1) The familiarity of teaching materials (2) acceptable interactions between teachers and students (3) supporting the completion of homework. The major gaps show in three ways (1) the parents can support their children to complete their homework (2) reducing the workloads of doing the administrative jobs (3) acquiring the supports from the enthusiastic parents.
The suggestions of this research can be made in three aspects: Firstly, for parents, it can provide the different view-points of teachers to communicate with parents. Secondly, for school authorities, the ‘Remedial Teaching’ can not only carry out by individual teachers but also need to acquire the supports from school authorities. Thirdly, for policy-makers, the processes of making decision related ‘Remedial Teaching’ need to consider teachers’ requirements for setting up more well-organized programs.