依類型 族群 主題   
1993.06.01 ~ 1996.06.01
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育、學術研究  
作者 王曼娜 (Wang, Mann-Na )
學校系所 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育研究所
地點 全臺 全部  


[ 摘要 ]

This study investigated the performance of Taiwan aboriginal chidlren in the New Chinese Intelligence Scale and the effect of application of dynamic assessment procedures.
An pretest-posttest equivalent design was employed to examine the effects of the dynamic assessment procedures. The subjects of this study involved twenty-six grade 4 aboriginal children in Taiwan, R.O.C.from two district ethnic groups: 13 mountain aborigines and 13 urban aborigines. The New Chinese Intelligence Scale, dynamic assessment training materials, and assessment manual were used for assessing and training purposes. The data analyzed by using t-test and ANCOVA.
The major findings of this study were as follows:
I. In the pre-test which use a standardized procedure
(1)There were significant differences in the scores of full IQ and the five subtests which were Figure Assembly, Visual Search, Logical Reasoning, Arithmetic Reasoning and Verbal Relation between the aboriginal and the norm. But no significant differences in the scores of the following subtests: Visual Memory, Vocabulary Memory, and Figural Progressive Matrix.
(2)There were no significant differences in full IQ and the eight subtests scores between the districts and between the gender.
II. In the intra-individual ability pattern analysis
(1)The basic mental function in both visual and auditory dimensions, especially visual search ability and The figure/spatial. reasoning are better than the abilities of concept comprehension, verbal reasoning and arithmetic reasoning.
(2)The intra-individual ability pattern were quite varied between different districts and between the gender.
III. In the post-test which use a dynamic assessment procedure
(1)There were significant differences in full IQ between the experiment group and the control group. Half of the subjects of the former group had a improvement of a full standard deviation difference.
(2)There were no significant differences in the following subtests: Visual Search, Verbal Relation, Figure Assembly, Logical Reasoning and Figural Progressive Matrix.
(3)The application of dynamic assessment produced a substantial improvement in IQ score, but the individual differences were quite large, thus no significant differences in the five subtests scores.