研究內容 |
[ 摘要 ]
人類乙醯化作用為多形性,在單一正染色體的特定部位上,有兩個主要的對偶基因,共同調節肝臟乙醯轉移酵素( N-acetyltransferase )的活性, 其表現型可區分為快型與慢型兩種。本研究以咖啡因( Caffeine)為一代謝探針,應用於台灣地區原住民不同族別間之乙醯氾基因表現型 分佈, 以六個原住民鄉的國中, 840 位學童為研究樣本,給予喝一罐市售罐裝咖啡, 2 小時後收集單次尿液以高效率液相層析法( HPLC ),分析尿液中兩個咖啡因之主要代謝物, AFMU ( 5-acetylamino-6- formylamino-3-methyluracil )與 1X (1-methylxanthine )之Peak area ratio 來辨別乙醯化作用的狀態。研究結果顯示,乙醯化作用之遺傳表現型自然呈現 Trimodal 分佈,各族慢型乙醯化比例由高到低順序為排灣族I 48.95 %、泰雅族 48.81 %、阿美族 29.82 %、排灣族II 29.17 %、布農族23.08%、閩南人 21.26 %, 客家人慢型比例最低, 只有 14.81 %,原住民混合慢型佔 37.29%, 介於最高與最低之間,而其他混合慢型佔 19.67 %,接近閩南人慢型乙醯化比例。族別間表現型的差異具有統計上顯著相關。 AFMU/1X ratio 在各種影響因素中, 以性別具統計顯著差異,抽菸、喝酒、是否生病與是否服藥均無差別。快型與慢型在各種相關因素之間則完全無統計之顯著差異,差異完全由族別所引起。根據族群遺傳學定律,本研究之乙醯化作用三基因型 rr(同型合子慢型)、 Rr (異型合子快型)、 RR (同型合子快型)的分佈, 除阿美族外,基因頻率均與哈溫平衡定律一致。
[ 英文摘要 ]
Acetylation activity is polymorphism. The liver N-acetyl-
transferase isgoverned by two major alleles at a single
autosomal locus, the phenotype canbe classified as ''''slow'''' and
''''fast''''. Caffeine used as a metabolic probe foracetylator
phenotyping in Taiwan aborigines. 840 students of 6 middle
schoolin aboriginal regions were studied. We collected 2 hour
spot urine sampleafter a can of coffee was drank. We
determined the acetylator phenotype statusby! measuring the
peak area ratio of two caffeine metabolites,
5-acetylamino-6-formylamino-3- methyl-uracil (AFMU) and
1-methylxanthine (1X),using a high- performance liquid
chromatographic method. The frequencydistribution of
acetylator phenotype had been demonstrated to be trimodal.
Theslow acetylator was 48.95% in PaiwanI, 48.81% in Atayal,
29.82% in Ami, 29.17%in PaiwanII, 23.08% in Bunun, 21.26% in
Fukien-Taiwanese, 14.81% in Hakka isthe lowest. Aboriginal
mixed is 37.29%, between the highest and the lowestfrequency
of aborigines. Other mixed is 19.67%, closed to Fukien-
Taiwanese.The interethnic difference was related to the status
of acetylator phenotype.Genders were relative to AFMU/1X ratio,
but smoke, drink, sick and drugs werenot. According to
trimodal distribution of acetylator phenotype,
thedistribution of genotype of rr (homozygous slow acetylator),
Rr (heterozygousacetylator), RR(homozygous rapid
acetylator) were consistent withHardy-Weinberg theory of
population genetics, except Ami.