研究內容 |
英文研究名稱:The Development of Inidigenous Education System: the Proposal for the Formation of Indigenous Community College.少數民族由於大多身處弱勢﹐在政治、經濟、教育及文化的發展上﹐常常是明顯的不如多數族群。少數民族教育的重要性﹐於焉產生﹐教育往往是該族群脫離貧窮與惡性循環之希望所繫。如何健全少數民族的教育體系﹐則是一項關係著該族群文化傳承與民族綿延不絕的關鍵性措施。由於原住民意識的抬頭﹐多元文化主義的提倡 ﹐以及政府機構的重視﹐台灣的原住民目前面臨一個發展教育與文化的大好良機。如何規劃出適合原住民的教育體系﹐一方面能永續發展特有的文化﹐另一方面又能不與大社會脫節﹐彼此互相學習。在特有及共有之間﹐尋求平衡點﹐成為原住民教育發展的重大議題。本案透過有系統的比較教育及本土研究方式﹐來進行建立原住民教育體制的基礎工作。即以民族學院/苑的規劃為例﹐透過對國際少數民族教育的比較作為教育改革的參考。以座談會及訪談的方式來整合各方意見﹐尋求本土的經驗與智慧﹐企圖達成建立民族學院/苑之共識與規劃出具體可行的實施策略。預計於台北及花蓮舉辦兩場大型座談會﹐於社區及學校舉辦三場說明會﹐訪談15人次﹐並針對參加原住民教師研習營及公務人員進修班之對象﹐隨機抽樣300人進行問卷調查。問卷除採基本統計分析外﹐並針對開放式問題進行內容分析。預期成果有;(1)參酌國內外有關原住民教育之政策和措施﹐配合本土的情況與需要﹐發展出適合台灣原住民的民族學院/苑機構。(2)整合國內各方意見及各種資源﹐統籌規劃設置民族學院\苑的可行方式、時間與地點。Establishing aboriginal education system is one of the means to improve the educational achievement of minority in Taiwan. There are a lot of argument about if it is necessary to build up aboriginal system and how to build up an ideal system?HHCSome scholars reject to segregate the educational system in Taiwan and prefer to make some change in the original system. Some aboriginal intellectuals insist to develop their own educational system because they do not trust the old system which can preserve their cultures. This project tries to use the study of comparison education to learn from the experiences of foreign countries. Also the ways of holding conference and in-depth-interview are utilized to exploit all kind of blue-prints and developing strategies. Questionnaires are used for collecting the opinions of members who joined the governmental training projects. There will be 5 conferences,15 interviews, and 300 questionnaires. The goal of this project is trying to solve the difficulties of building up aboriginal educational system. This year we will try from the process of building up aboriginal college(s).
英文關鍵字:Indigenous education;ethnic education system;multicultureal education. |