依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵、學術研究  
主持人 林大利
執行單位 行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心棲地生態組
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:ladybird;biodiversity-friendly agriculture;long-term monitoring;payments for ecosystem services;ant;Biodiversity;gross primary production;functional group;biodiversity indicator;Spider;Agro-ecosystem;Taiwan;Arthropods;agroecosystem;ecosystem services
<P><strong>細部計畫1:不同農法農地螞蟻及瓢蟲田野調查</strong></P><P>本計畫將於台灣東部特定區域,調查原住民部落農業生態系統的螞蟻與瓢蟲種類,建立可以反映不同農業操作系統的功能群,藉此作為研擬生態服務給付政策的參考資料,另也可提供當地生態旅遊所需之自然生態教育知識。</P><P><br /><strong>細部計畫2:農地野生物及環境資源調查盤點及指標建立</strong></P><P>農業擴張是人類世對全球生物多樣性的嚴重威脅,但農業對於養活全球人口也非常重要。除糧食生產外,農業地景還提供一系列生態系統服務和功能。人們越來越關注「生物多樣性友善」的農業管理,該管理旨在提供充足的農業生產,同時還將對生物多樣性的影響降至最低。生物多樣性友善農法,如有機,可以在最大程度地減少農業對生物多樣性的影響方面發揮重要作用。但是,在農業融入不同氣候和農業制度的國家內,有效性可能會大幅改變。為了找到一般的解決方案,科學界已開始從景觀管理的角度研究對生物多樣性友善的農法。在歐洲、北美和日本已經實施了新的管理計劃,例如農業環境計劃,但是在世界上最豐富的生物多樣性熱點,亞熱帶亞洲,仍然缺乏這樣的計畫。在這個計畫裡,我們將探討生物多樣性與不同農業景觀配置的關係,並明確優先採取保護行動,以建立對生物多樣性友好的農業地景。我們將使用公民科學資料和高解析度的土地利用圖層來(1)研究地景屬性對物種的存在和豐富度的影響,確定物種的棲地偏好; (2)建立相關生物多樣性指標; (3)規劃長期監測方法; (4)評估可行的生物多樣性友善農業行動計畫。</P><P><br /><strong>細部計畫3:不同農法農地蜘蛛多樣性調查</strong></P><P>蜘蛛是動物界中物種最豐富的類群之一,並且在生態系中扮演著掠食者的角色,也因此視為是生態系的指標生物,並在作物生產中提供正向的效益。蜘蛛族群與組成受到土粒利用、植被及耕作制度影響。本計畫以評估地景營造對蜘蛛的影響為目標,在2022年於花蓮縣玉里鎮春日部落水稻田、瑞穗鄉屋拉力部落文旦園以掃網及陷阱方式調查蜘蛛群落。這些試驗田區或園區包含了慣行栽培與友善栽培。計畫中進一步分析探討蜘蛛類群組成、多樣性及指標生物,並比較前敘指標在不同農地下的差異。</P>

<P><strong>1:Field investigation of ants and ladybugs on farmland with different farming methods</strong></P><P>This project will investigate the species of ants and ladybugs in theaboriginal agro-ecosystems from specific areas of eastern Taiwan, and establish functional groups that can reflect different agro-ecosystems, so as to provide a reference basis for formulating ecological service payment policies. It can provide the natural ecological education knowledge required for local eco-tourism.</P><P><br /><strong>2:Data integration of wildlife and environmental resources, and building indicators in agricultural landscape</strong></P><P>Agricultural expansion has been a severe threat to global biodiversity in the Anthropocene, but agriculture is also critical for feeding the world's human population. Beyond food production, agricultural landscapes provide a range of ecosystem services and functions. As a result, there is increasing interest in "biodiversity-friendly" agricultural management, which aims to provide sufficient agricultural production while minimizing the impacts on biodiversity. Biodiversity-friendly farming methods, such as organic farming, can play an important role in minimizing the impacts of agriculture on biodiversity. However, the effectiveness of such systems is likely to vary enormously around the world, where agriculture is embedded in different climatic regimes, and farming replaces markedly different kinds of ecosystems. To find general solutions rather than specific solutions, researchers have begun to study biodiversity-friendly approaches to agriculture from the perspective of landscape management. Some new biodiversity-friendly management programs, such as Agri-environmental Schemes, have been conducted in Europe, North America, and Japan, but such programs are still lacking in most of the world's richest biodiversity hotspots. This project will explore how biodiversity responds to different agricultural landscape configurations in Taiwan, a highly biodiverse island in subtropical Asia, and explicitly prioritizes conservation actions for building a biodiversity-friendly agricultural landscape. I will use citizen science data and high-resolution land-use maps to (1) examine the effects of landscape attributes on the presence and abundance of species, identify the habitat affinities of species, and classify them according to their sensitivity to different kinds of land cover types; (2) build indices for monitoring each of these groups of subtropical farmland-adapted species; (3) design the long-term monitoring protocols for each taxa; and (4) evaluating farmland conservation actions to determine how best to build a biodiversity-friendly agricultural landscape.</P><P><br /><strong>3:An investigation on spider (Araneae) diversity in different cropping system</strong></P><P>Spider (Araneae) is one of the most diverse taxa in Animalia and plays the role of predators in ecosystems. This clade is generally regarded as the biodiversity indicator, providing positive impacts on crop production. Spider communities can be affected by the land use, vegetation and cropping system. This project aimed to evaluate the effects of landscape construction on spider. In 2022, spider fauna in rice paddies of Ceroh Tribe and Wendan pomelo orchards in Olalip Tribe will be investigated by sweeping and pitfall methods. Both conventional and friendly practice are included in the target croplands. Composition and diversity of spiders will be analyzed to realize the agrobionts and spider communities in different place.</P>


相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14583477