依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 泰雅族 、賽夏族   
主題: 產業經濟、農耕漁獵  
主持人 范竣宇
執行單位 行政院農業委員會桃園區農業改良場五峰工作站
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:Breeding;Northern Taiwan;Pigeon Pea


Pigeon Pea is traditional grain in the northern aboriginal(Atayal and Say-Siyat), that is the special agricultural products have the meaning of local culture. This project is to establish a new cultivation mode, will to increase the income of aboriginal households in the northern region. This year work is the impact of nitrogen fertilizer application on the yield of northern local varieties of Pigeon Peas, and the impact of different cultivation months on the harvest period and yield of northern local varieties of Pigeon Peas. Two cultivation improvements are studied.

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14580670