依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 產業經濟、農耕漁獵、部落發展、傳統生態智慧  
主持人 吳伊婷
執行單位 行政院農業委員會花蓮區農業改良場作物改良課
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:foxtail millet;Germplasm conservation;Aboriginal;genetic resources;Germplasm utilization;Indigenous specialty cereals;Germplasm utilization;Indigenous special crops;Germplasm conservation;Indigenous vegetables;Indigenous crops


1:Indigenous traditional crop save and utilize researchCollect indigenous traditional crop and investgate characteristic. Coaching tribes build demonstration nurseries for seed conservation. Education seed retention technology in key tribes. Establish aboriginal protection seed nursery and tribal conservation kitchen teaching and demonstration field.Establish Hualien preservation and utilization achievements that can be passed down from generation to generation.Studies on the germplasm conservation and the utilization of Taitung indigenous cropsIn indigenous communities, accessions of traditional cereals, legumes, vegetables, and special crops were usually preserved by themselves or collected from the field. However, the loss of many traditional accessions increased due to the population emigration and the lack of germplasm preservation technology.Therefore, introducing modern germplasm preservation technology and helping the indigenous communities to keep their germplasm is important for the germplasm preservation of the indigenous characteristic crops. For the indigenous communities in East Rift Valley coached by Taitung DARES, we will help them establish germplasm preservation gardens of their traditional crops. This year, it is expected to (1) collect 15 indigenous cereal and legume accessions at least and investigate their germination percentage, seedling survival rate, and traits; (2) coach the indigenous communities to establish 3 participatory germplasm preservation gardens of the cereal and legume crops at least; (3)collect 10 indigenous vegetable accessions at least and investigate their germination percentage, seedling survival rate, and traits; (4) coach the indigenous communities to establish one germplasm preservation garden of indigenous vegetable at least; (5)collect 10 indigenous special crop accessions at least and investigate their germination percentage, seedling survival rate, and traits; (6) coach the indigenous communities to establish one germplasm preservation garden of the special crop at least. 3:Research on Conservation and Utilization of Traditional Crops of Kaohsiung/Pingtung Original Peopl In order to strengthen the inheritance and continuation of the unique tribal culture, and promote the added value of tribal characteristic charm. Small millets and black rice are nutrient-rich food sources traditionally grown by subsistence farmers in Asia and Africa. The foxtail millet is valued as a crop of short duration, which is good as food, feed and fodder. Foxtail millet is the major crop of the Rukai and the center of annual festivals. The objective of this study is to promote cultural preservation and inheritance by collected and seed in situ conservation on foxtail millet.

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14580425