依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 其他民族  
主題: 音樂、舞蹈、文史資產、藝文活動  
主持人 Made Hood
執行單位 國立臺南藝術大學民族音樂學研究所
地點 其他 其他    

英文關鍵字:Decolonialization; indigenous youth; choreomusicology; ethnomusicology

The information gathered in this two-year study will generate a comparative data chart on the current state of indigenous performing arts in among traditional, ritual and popular choreomusical examples from Indonesia and the Philippines. Field data collected will be done in a co-collaborative design between researcher and practitioners. In the first year we will use a collaborative approach where practitioners will indicate what sound and movement expressions have been colonized. These will be deconstructed collaboratively and used as departure points for new expressions defined along ontological frameworks. The second year goal is to have each indigenous group from Indonesia and Philippines convene for a symposium and exchange of performing arts. Together we will exchange ideas and approaches to address such issues as inter-generational performance, youth programs, and team-building activities that may be taken up for future research.

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14504560