依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 法律政治、就業服務、工作權益、一般教育  
主持人 江淳芳
執行單位 國立臺灣大學經濟學系
地點 全臺 全部  



In recent years, the issues of indigenous and new immigrant children have been widely discussed, and the change in demographics, labor supply, and education cannot be ignored. We will analyze the education level and labor market performance of the indigenous and new immigrant children in Taiwan. In this research, we first analyze the wage gap between indigenous people, new immigrant children. Then, we will find how much of the wage gap can be explained by the various factors, especially the differences in education and industry. Finally, we use the achievement test data to understand the education performance of the children of indigenous and new residents in the national examination. We hope to directly analyze the children of indigenous and new immigrants through the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Student data and General Scholastic Ability Test, then discuss whether there is a significant difference compared with other groups. We can use the results of the national examination to further analyze whether exists a difference in the learning between children of indigenous and the new immigrant. Furthermore, to see whether this learning effect is also a variable for the level of education, which leads to the labor supply or salary level of different industries. The results are expected to be a reference to the adjustment of education-related policies and systems for the children of indigenous and new immigrant.

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14306262