依類型 族群 主題   
2019.02.01 ~ 2019.02.28
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群教育、一般教育  
作者 陳世聰、Chen, Chih-Tsung
期刊名 《教育研究月刊》298期, (2019年): 頁38-55。
地點 高雄市 全部     台東縣 全部     屏東縣 全部    

關鍵詞:核心素養; 教育哲學; 課程重構; 實驗教育; Core competencies; Education philosophy; Curriculum reconstruction; Experimental education;


英文摘要:The new elementary school, after Typhoon morakot, entered the sixth school year, become public school-based experimental education, the second deconstruction and reconstruction, the development of culture-themed integration curriculum, the importance of autonomy-friendly campus culture, curriculum development from the additional orientation to action orientation. This article aims to narrate the development and practice of philosophy in school curriculum from the evolution of curriculum practice. This study holds that philosophy has the function of guidance and reflection in curriculum development and practice; philosophy is conducive to the depth and breadth of curriculum design; the different life philosophy and values of the indigenous peoples can be regarded as the phenomenon of correcting the excessive polarization of society; the ideal character of indigenous experiment education should be traditional and current educational trend of thought, it is the practitioners and guardians of the trend of thought; the value of the individual and the group, the clan and the clan can be accommodated. curriculum development is a way to do high school, the team needs to grow, practice and revise, in the change should learn the subject’s sustainable growth. 

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