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原住民節慶活動發展策略與功能探討: 以賽夏族矮靈祭為例
族群: 賽夏族   
主題: 部落發展、歲時祭儀、神話傳說  
作者 王秀琴
學校系所 明新科技大學管理研究所碩士在職專班
地點 全臺 全部  


The Saisiat are one of the small indigenous tribes in Taiwan and possess their own unique culture. In Da''aivillage of Wufengtownship, every two years,Pasta’ay (Dwarf Spirit Ceremony)isheld in the middle of lunar October. This particular tribal ceremony has attracted a great deal of public attention whichnot only drawsmany tourists to participate in it but also gradually unites the Saisiat’s identity and culture. Hence, this thesis applies some research methods of literature review, observation and in-depth interview whiletaking these theories of ritual culture, cultural identity and development strategy as its research base. From theindigenous people’s viewpoint, and to begin with the aspect ofculture policies,the purpose of this thesis is to find out whether or not the Pasta’ay can truly enhance the development of local economy by investigating its tribal development, tourists’ demands and cultural identity. It discovers that each family name inthe Saisiat implies a particular original story andPasta’ay influences gradually on the life ofSaisiat. Additionally, the ceremonial ritual and activity of Pasta’ay give the Saisiata chance to interact with different generations which helps to generate a sense of belonging and even constructthe Saisiat identity. As a result, there are crucial elements influencing the tribal cohesion as follows: the development of ceremonial culture, the identity of ceremonial culturalindustry andthe innovative cultural strategies ofcultural industry. This research also suggests that the government should take indigenous language teaching more seriously, respect tribal traditional culture, improve tribal industrial development and enrich diverse tribal culture. Last, hopefully the successful model of Pasta’ay can offer a good reference for local tourist development.