研究內容 |
本研究目的旨在瞭解並探討高雄地區男性原住民籍軍職人員工作壓力與休閒因應為主軸,研究母群體乃以高雄地區男性原住民籍軍職人員為研究對象。採用立意抽樣的方式進行資料收集分析,共發出問卷320份,回收問卷問卷293,扣除無效問卷,所得之有效問卷共285份,有效回收率為97.26%。將資料處理將以電腦統計套裝軟體使用SPSS for Windows12.0中文版套裝軟體進行相關統計分析,使用分析方法包括:描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及雪費事後比較法等方式進行資料分析,研究發現如下:
一、 該群體主要以高雄地區男性原住民籍陸軍外勤未婚士官為主要,且服務年齡分布在25~29歲之間,學歷多以大學學歷主要,另外均在年資8~11年最多、每月可自由支配的時間是6~10次及每月參與休閒活動次數以1~5次為主。
二、 高雄地區男性原住民軍職人員對於「工作壓力」之構面部分顯著性的差異。
三、 高雄地區男性原住民軍職人員對於「休閒因應」之構面部分顯著性的差異。
四、 皮爾森積差相關分析國軍人員「休閒因應」之整體構面與「工作壓力」之整體構面之間呈現正相關(r=0.881**,p<0.05)且達顯著水準。顯示國軍人員休閒因應現況愈高則工作壓力越高。
The purpose of this research is to understand and explore the main axis of work stress and leisure response of the aboriginal male soldiers in Kaohsiung. It uses deliberate sampling for data collection and analysis. It is expected that 40 copies will be sent to the Kaohsiung Army, Navy and Air Force. Project analysis and factor analysis will be carried out after recovery. Prepare a formal questionnaire. Questionnaire survey A total of 320 questionnaires were sent out from March 5 to April 31, 2021, and 293 questionnaires were returned, with a response rate of 93.7%. A total of 285 valid questionnaires were returned, with an effective recovery rate of 91.2%. Use SPSS for Windows 12.0 for descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product difference correlation analysis
I. This group of people are mainly unmarried male Aboriginal non-commissioned officers from Kaohsiung. The working age is between 25-29 years old, and most of the academic qualifications are university degrees. The maximum working age is 8-11 years old, free time is 6-10 times per month, and the number of leisure activities per month is mainly 1-5 times.
II. There are significant differences in work pressure among male soldiers of Kaohsiung aborigines.
III. There are significant differences in the leisure response of the aboriginal male soldiers in Kaohsiung
IV. Correlation analysis There is a positive correlation (r=0.881**, p<0.05) between the overall aspect of the """"leisure response"""" of the Chinese military personnel and the overall aspect of the """"work pressure"""", and it reaches a significant Pisen. The higher the leisure participation of personnel, the greater the work pressure.