依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育  
作者 鄧亦婷
學校系所 國立中正大學教育學研究所
地點 全臺 全部  

一、 較師與家長對於家長參與學校教育看法,皆以關心孩子為主要目的。教師發覺家長提供的學習支持有限,協助家長教養孩子並構思方法協助家長參與學校教育;家長參與學校教育注重孩子的權益,重視學校對於家長建議的後續回應。
二、 家長參與學校教育的方式以家庭參與居多,關心孩子生活為主,重視傳承原住民族傳統文化,肯定學校實行民族教育課程但亦有擔憂。課業學習方面重視孩子解決問題,強調孩子正向的態度。家長參加會議表達自己的建議,重視學校的後續處理方式。與家長聯繫以通訊軟體居多,家長以接收教師訊息為主;學校參與以支持活動為主,希望學校可以主動提供的參與管道;社區參與以部落提供環境資源居多,雙方有待進一步合作。問卷結果顯示家長參與學校教育方式以家庭參與最高。
三、 促進家長參與學校教育的原因是家長重視孩子的情形、重視與孩子的連結、重視孩子的感受及與孩子一同成長;影響家長參與學校教育的原因有家長時間難以配合、本身的積極度低及自身能力有限;問卷調查結果顯示,影響家長參與的原因以「學校重視家長參與的態度」最具影響力。

Previous research has shown that parent involvement was important to the children, family and, school. This study aimed to explained the current situation about parent involvement in the school with special indigenous focus, and the purpose was to investigate the viewpoints of teachers and parents about parent involvement; to understand the ways of parent involvement; and to analyze the reasons that affect parent involvement. As a case study, the methods used in the study include semi-structured interview, questionnaire, participant observation, and documentary research.
The results of the study were shown below:
1. Regarding the view of participating in school education, teachers and parents believe that the most important thing is to care about children. Teachers find that parents provide children with limited learning assistance. In order to increase the level of parent involvement, teachers offer chances for parents to participate. Parents value the rights of children, and they concern about their opinions can be dealt with school.
2. There are three ways for parent involvement. Parents mainly care about their children''s lives. Indigenous parents value the inheritance of traditional culture. Although they appreciate the aboriginal education implemented at school, some concerns are still exist. In terms of the school work, parents care about whether their children can solve the problems and have a positive attitude. Parents express their suggestions at the meeting, and value that the school respond to their suggestions. Teacher and parents use phones and communication software to communicate with each other about children''s performance. Parents are generally message recipient. Parents mainly support school activities, and they hope that school can take the initiative to provide ways for the parents to get involved in the school''s education. Parents provide tribal environmental resources mostly. The school and community should further cooperate with each other. According to the questionnaire, the results reveal that the highest degree of parent involvement is “family participation”.
3. The positive factors that affected parent involvement are “parents concern about their children”, “parents value the connection with their children”, “parents care about their children''s feelings”, and “parents and children learn together”. However, the negative factors that affect parent involvement are “parents with little time”, “parents with low initiative”, and “parents with less ability”. According to the questionnaire, the results show that the main factor is “school takes parent involvement seriously”.
According to the aforementioned research conclusions, relevant suggestions are put forward for school, parents, educational administrative agencies, and feasible research in the future.
Keywords: parent involvement, school with special indigenous focus, case study