研究內容 |
本研究以實作之方式研發並製備原住民族喜宴辦桌菜,根據感官品評方式,採用李克特的九度分法進行問卷調查,受試對象為餐飲業者及原住民賓客。量表的題項針對外觀、風味、口感及香氣及整體喜歡的程度進行測量。問卷共計發放 300 份,回收的有效問卷為 189 份,分析結果各項平均數為 7~ 9 分之間,最高分為整體的喜歡程度為 8.36分,顯示賓客對所開發之辦桌菜具高度的認。在其他各項,在香氣部分及風味兩項上,受訪者男女之間的感受呈現顯著的差異,其他諸如對外、口感及整體喜歡程度上則是沒有顯著差異。抱持著為辦桌文化盡一份心力的初衷,本研究進而思考未來可能的發展方向,並找出原住民喜宴菜色有別於其他喜宴的優勢實力。最後在綜合產官學界各域的意見後,針對政府單位、辦桌業者及後續研究提出建議。
‘Banzhuo’ is what most people call ‘roadside catering’. Banzhuo is a
traditional catering business in the form of banquets with chefs cooking on
site. The dishes provided in such banquets are delicacies that are abundant
in geographical, cultural, ritual, and ethnic elements. It is one of Taiwan’s
important traditional food cultures. Seven aboriginal ethnic groups reside in
Taitung County. Therefore, Taitung is an area full of aboriginal food culture
and materials. This research made use of common aboriginal food items,
aboriginal crops, and local Taitung ingredients as elements and developed a
set of dishes that can be served in aboriginal wedding banquets. The
preparation processes, ingredients, and cooking techniques were explained
in details, supplemented by pictures.
The purpose of this research is to develop a set of 10 dishes
integrating with aboriginal food items and materials that can be served in
aboriginal wedding banquets. A sensory evaluation was issued after these
dishes were savored. The evaluation included five features: color, flavor,
aroma, taste, and overall likeness using Likert 9-point scale. 300
evaluations were distributed, among them 189 were valid. The overall
likeness is valued the highest with a mean score of 8.36. Male and female
participants exhibited significant differences in their feelings about flavor
and aroma. Female guests appreciated the dishes significantly more highly.
It is hoped that this set of banquet dishes with recipe and preparation procedures can serve as a reference for the catering industry when iv
marching into the aboriginal wedding banquet business and contribute to
the future development of this industry. The results of this study are
expected to provide reference for government units, private catering
businesses, and future researchers.
Keywords: Aboriginal wedding banquets, Banquet dishes, Sensory
evaluation, Technical report