依類型 族群 主題   
臺灣原住民族節慶祭典的保存與應用: 以阿美族、賽夏族、達悟族為例
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 文史資產、歲時祭儀、部落活動  
作者 黃靜惠
學校系所 元智大學文化產業與文化政策博士學位學程
地點 全臺 全部  


This research is based on the gradual emphasis and kind treatment of the indigenous cultures of various countries around the world, especially the weak and small groups of indigenous peoples, which should be specially protected and promoted for their development. In view of this, this thesis takes the celebration and ceremonial culture of the Ami, Saixia and Dawu tribes of the aborigines as the subject of research. This research explores the origins and legends of the three ethnic cultures’ traditional rituals and tries to explain how the indigenous people’s cultural preservation, the baptism of the cultural and creative industry, and the rise of tourism policies in the display of the celebration culture can arouse the public’s attention. The cultural preservation and continuation of a small number of aboriginals depend on the protection and respect of their traditional cultures, so that they can continue to grow in an environment where only the “fittest and strongest” survive, while maintaining the unique culture of their own ethnic group. This research analyzes the cultural future of the three ethnic groups from the perspectives of cultural industry and ceremonial culture by elaborating on the important ceremonies and legends of the three groups, using literature review, theoretical discussion, scholars and experts’ opinions, and in-depth field investigations carried out as part of this research. For continuation and preservation, the research focuses on the following questions: Are there still deficiencies in the relevant areas directly under the jurisdiction of government departments? What is missing so that a small number of indigenous cultures can continue to maintain their unique traditions of minority ethnic groups under the torrent of civilization, and receive the support and respect of the public? There are eight chapters in this dissertation, as well as final recommendations from this research. In closing, a few words on the limitations of this research experience: because it is impossible to observe and understand the life of the aboriginal people for long periods of time; also, because the living areas of the three ethnic groups are quite extensive; and finally, because the times of their various celebrations are different, it has been impossible to go deeper. In the future, so long as there is a chance, we will explore the life, language and traditional spirit of the aboriginal people in a more in-depth and detailed manner.