研究內容 |
本研究採文獻探討及深度訪談法,彙整國內外災防體制、地方防災應變及原住民族階級制度相關文獻,研究者以立意取樣(purposive sampling)及滾雪球(Snowball sampling)方式,至臺東縣長濱鄉長光部落進行田野觀察。並由夥伴引薦長光部落居民進行深度訪談(qualitative interviews)。
The communities of the indigenous population in Taiwan are usually surrounded by mountains and closed to rivers. Because of their geographic position and isolation, natural disasters usually occur in indigenous communities. When disasters happened in indigenous tribes, residents could not immediately get help from outside, they do not response without establishing the modern command system when disasters is happening. In this situation, the aim is to understand whether the command system affects the establishment tribal disaster prevention and disaster response organization or not.
The methods in this study were literature review and qualitative interviews to aggregate domestic and international disaster prevention system, local disaster prevention strain and indigenous literature class system. The researchers used Purposive sampling and Snowball sampling to execute field at the Changguang tribe in Taitung. At the same time, the researchers had qualitative interviews with residents who were introduced by our partners.
According to the previous studies, our findings could summarize in three conclusions. First, there were no disaster prevention and response organization in the Changguang tribe, so the disaster prevention and response action were executed through instructions from the leader of the community. Second, the traditional festival has been ongoing in the community so far. It is possible that we could put the concept into their organization and promote them to establish disaster prevention and response spontaneously. Third, To strengthen the disaster prevention and response in tribes, it could begin from the leadership. Although there is no establishment of disaster-resistant community in the tribe, the leaders and hierarchy have early existed in the tribe.
This study could be an important reference which promoted the efficiency of disaster prevention and rescue, to plan the job of disaster-resistance or rescue in Amis and other indigenous populations in the future.