依類型 族群 主題   
臺灣原住民族傳統體育知識體系之研究:以Taromak bekas為例
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育、體育活動  
作者 巴唐志強
學校系所 國立臺灣師範大學體育學系
地點 全臺 全部  

臺灣為多元族群共處的社會,近年來在自由民主社會價值觀念提升下,已逐漸重視原住民族知識體系之建構,以做為族群發展及文化傳承的重要基礎。然而,對臺灣原住民族傳統體育知識的內涵卻鮮少探究,相關知識體系的理論與實務仍有待建構。爰此,本研究目的在建構「臺灣原住民族傳統體育知識體系」,先透過文獻分析歸納分析構面,經過二回合修正的德爾菲法彙整專家意見達一致性後,建立「臺灣原住民族傳統體育知識體系架構」,再以此架構做為研究工具,以訪談法探究魯凱族Taromak (達魯瑪克部落) 傳統體育活動bekas的知識內涵。本研究建立之「臺灣原住民族傳統體育知識體系架構」包括四大構面,分別為神聖性、空間性、歷史性及社會性。每個構面項下分為8個類目,包括神聖性構面下的神話信仰與活動儀式;空間性構面下的地域環境與物質資源;歷史性構面下的族群記憶與個體經驗;以及社會性構面下的社會規範與身體技術。在bekas知識內涵部分,乃是透過傳統信仰和儀式的實踐,維繫與神靈界 (神聖性) 的尊重和諧,以及與自然環境 (空間性) 間共生的依存關係,並累積族群記憶與發展經驗 (歷史性),銜接組織制度及語言文化 (社會性),使得以傳承與創新。另外,由於原住民族各族群所處環境、社會結構及語言文化不同,傳統體育相關知識亦會因地制宜而有不同的內涵。因此,建議政府單位應投入適當的資源,系統性的建構原住民族傳統體育知識體系,以利文化的保存與傳習,並可做為不同族群間知識探討的參考基礎;也建議Taromak持續透過bekas相關經驗與知識的蒐集及展示,建立族人的共識,對其文化意涵有更進一步的理解。在學術研究部分,建議後續研究可參考本研究建立之架構,做為研究工具及研究基礎,繼續探究原住民族各族群傳統體育知識的內涵,以深化臺灣原住民族傳統體育知識體系之理論意涵。

Taiwan is a society where multi-ethnic groups co-exist. With the increase of liberal and democratic social values in recent years, the construction of the knowledge system of the indigenous peoples as an important basis for ethnic group development and cultural heritage has gradually received attention. However, research on the connotation of the traditional sports knowledge of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan remains scarce. The theory and practice of related knowledge systems are still to be constructed. In view of this, the purpose of this study is to construct the “traditional sports knowledge system of the indigenous peoples.” First, through literature analysis, the analysis dimensions were inducted and analyzed. After two rounds of modified Delphi Method, the expert opinions were compiled and achieved consistency to establish the framework of the “traditional sports knowledge system of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan,” which was then used as the research tool. The interview method was adopted to explore the knowledge connotation of the Rukai’s (Taromak) traditional sports activity “bekas.” In this study, the “framework of the traditional sports knowledge system of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan” includes four dimensions, namely, sacredness, spatiality, historicity, and sociality. Under each dimension, there were eight categories, including mythological beliefs and event rituals under the sacredness dimension; regional environment and material resources under the spatiality dimension; ethnic group memory and individual experience under the historicity dimension; and social norms and physical skills under the sociality dimension. As for the knowledge connotation of “bekas,” it is inherited and innovated through the implementation of traditional beliefs and rituals; the maintenance of respect to and harmony with the spiritual world (sacredness); the symbiotic dependence with the natural environment (spatiality); the accumulation of ethnic group memory and development experience (historicity); and the link between organizational system and language culture (sociality). In addition, since the indigenous ethnic groups differ in their living environment; social structure; and language culture, traditional sports related knowledge also differs in connotation in order to adapt to local conditions. Therefore, it is suggested that government agencies invest appropriate resources to systematically construct the traditional sports knowledge system of the indigenous peoples. This will facilitate cultural preservation and passing on, thereby serving as a basis for knowledge related discussions among the ethnic groups. It is also recommended that Taromak continues to collect and display bekas related experiences and knowledge, and establish a consensus among the tribal peoples to further gain an insight into the cultural connotations. In academic research, it is suggested that follow-up studies refer to the framework established in this study as the research tool and research basis. The connotation of the traditional sports knowledge of the indigenous peoples shall continue to be explored in order to deepen the theoretical connotation of the traditional sports knowledge system of the indigenous peoples in Taiwan.