依類型 族群 主題   
園藝治療應用於原鄉長期照顧之文化安全性探討 -以臺東縣原住民族長者為例
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 社會關懷、醫療保健  
作者 黃建豪
學校系所 國立東華大學民族事務與發展學系
地點 台東縣 全部    


The indigenous peoples have their own unique cultural characteristics, especially the traditional ecological knowledge and their habitual usage. This study intends to recruit the indigenous elders in Taitung County as participants, and to explore the alternative methods of cultural safety in the process of horticulture therapy. Therefore, the researchers tried to design and explore the impact of culturally safe horticultural therapy on the well-being of the elderly based on the previous research motives. After six weeks of research, it was found that after six weeks of horticultural therapy activities in Taitung County, aboriginal elders, in addition to their happiness, the average curve of cultural model horticulture therapy was significantly higher than the average curve of original model horticulture therapy. It can be seen that cultural model horticulture therapy activities have a higher sense of happiness than the original model horticulture therapy activities. The results of this study are hoped to serve as a reference for relevant units and personnel in planning horticultural treatments for the elderly of indigenous peoples in the future.