職業訓練方面以不斷的更新教學方式,並運用Business Model Canvas分析,如何能在就業市場成功的運用,有效提升原住民就業的商業模式。訓練工作團隊,必須以專業熱誠的服務態度,不斷提升國家的職訓教育品質,充分發揮人力資源的有效開發與運用。
Through the change of the Taiwan Economic structure, Council of Indigenous Peoples motivates the peoples to participate the vocational training in order to change their lives. Most of the people had the stereotype of them, such as carefree, low-living standard. In order to improve the situation, they need to promote their skills and knowledge.
Vocational Training Facility’s renovates the way of teaching constantly and using Business Model Canvas analysis the way they use in the market in order to promote the employment rate. The worker who works in the Training team needs to focus on the services in order to prove their Educational Quality and elaborate the Human Resource efficiently.