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研究計畫(29) 博碩士論文(195) 期刊論文(27)
斯可巴部落朝向觀光發展行動歷程之省思 A Reflect of the Action Process Approaching to Tourism Development at Skeva Aboriginal Community
「部落觀光」的危機與轉機:以嘉義縣阿里山鄉里佳社區之觀光發展為例 The Crisis and Chance of “Tribal Tourism”: An Instance of Lejia Community in Alishan Township in Chiayi County.
原住民經濟變遷與觀光資源的自主治理-以新光、鎮西堡民宿事業發展為例(The Transformation of Economy and Self-governing on Tourism Resources of Aboriginal Society - A Case Study on the Development of B&B Business in Smangus and Cinsbu Tribe)
文化商品化對原住民主題社區觀光發展態度之影響(Cultural commodification on tourism development of the aboriginal community in Wulai)
原住民與遊客對部落生態旅遊產品知覺之比較-以司馬庫斯為例(A comparison of the aboriginal and tourists’ perceptions of tribal ecotourism- a case study of Smangus)
結合原住民文化傳承與生態旅遊之研究(The Study of Combination of Aboriginal''''s Cultural continuity and Eco-tour)
太魯閣同禮部落生態旅遊活動之規劃與實施過程研究(A Research on Planning and Implementation of the Ecotourism Programs in the Tatung and Tali Areas of the Taroko National Park)
原住民地區發展生態旅遊之潛力分析-以屏東縣春日鄉(CHI-KA-DAN)部落為例(Potential Analysis of Developing Ecotourism in Aborigine District– Case Study of CHI-KA-DAN Tribe in Chunrih Township, Pingtung County)
布農族望鄉部落生態旅遊發展之研究(The Study of the Development of Ecotourism at the Bukiu(Wang-Hsiang) Tribe)
頭前溪流域原住民保留地內民宿標章評估準則之建立(Development of label criteria for home stay facilities located Within the aboriginal reservation of the Touchien River Basin)
體驗設計與遊客滿意度之研究~以台灣原住民族文化園區為例(A Study on the Experience Design and Tourists Satisfaction─Take the Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park in Taiwan as the Example)
原住民地區民宿體驗與遊客滿意度之研究─以高屏地區為例(A Study on Visitors’Experience of B&B and It’s Satisfaction in Aboriginal Region—The Case in Kaohsiung and Pingtung)
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