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研究計畫(91) 博碩士論文(64) 期刊論文(53)
丹大地區布農族狩獵管理規範建立之研究 Establishing Hunting Regulation for Bunun Tribe in Danda Area
丹大地區布農族狩獵文化之研究 A Study of Hunting Culture of the Bunun Tribe in Danda Area, Nantou, Taiwan
苗栗縣南庄鄉休閒農業發展之研究 A Study on the Development of Recreation Farming in the Nanjhuang Township , Miaoli County
是誰在講什麼樣的知識?Smangus部落主體性建構與地方知識實踐 Who Is Telling What the Knowledge is about ? The Construction of Smangus Subjectivity and Local Knowledge Practices
丹大地區布農族狩獵現況之調查研究 Hunting status of Bunun hunters at Danda
丹大地區布農族獵人狩獵動機與狩獵型態(Hunting motives and behavior of Bunun hunter in Danda area)
原住民對山坡地自然農法技術之認知與採行-以屏東縣泰武鄉、來義鄉、春日鄉為例(The Perception and Adoption of Aborigine People to Slope Land Nature Farming Technology - An Investegation of Three Villages in Pingtung County)
布農族的小米文化生態學研究—以南投縣望鄉部落為例(The Research of Cultural Ecology of Millet of Bunon)
南投縣泰雅族賽德克亞族民族植物之研究(Study on the Ethnobotany of Seediq Atayal in Nantou.)
原住民保留地高經濟作物發展潛力之研究Evaluation of The Production and Protection for Developing Economic Crops in Aboriginal Area
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