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研究計畫(67) 博碩士論文(144) 期刊論文(54)
北排灣女vusam擇偶觀與家庭結構之研究 A Study of the Mate Selection Concept and the Family Structure of Female Vusam of the Northern Paiwan Tribe
生命的永續連結─吉貝耍聚落的神聖空間 Sustainable Connection of Life─Sacred Space of Kabuasua Village
魯凱族性別制度之初步探討-以屏東縣霧台鄉為例 The preliminary exploration of Rukai''''s gender institution--take Pingtung County Wutai Township for example.
淇武蘭幾何印紋陶罐之家族類似性分析 The Family Resemblance of Chiwulan Geometrical Pattern Earthen Vessel
平埔族婦女形象與角色的變遷(1603-1895) The Transition of Plain Aboriginal Women''s Images and Roles(1603-1895)
根與路徑:布魯斯‧查特文《巴塔哥尼亞高原上》中之旅行、放逐、游牧想像 Roots and Routes: Travel, Exile, Nomad Imagination in Bruce Chatwin''s In Patagonia
文化資產保存的社會文化意義討論- 以阿里山鄒族特富野社男子會所為例
台灣排灣族琉璃珠文化意象之研究 A Study of the Cultural Image for Taiwan Paiwanese Glass Beads
Maragwang部落群原生營建過程之研究 Research of the course on the indigenous architecture in Maragwang tribes
蘭嶼拼板舟造舟過程及植物利用之研究-以2004年紅頭部落為例 The plant materials and construction processes of the Yami's Planked Boats –A Case study of Hung-tou village in 2004, Lanyu
一個海岸阿美部落年齡組織的研究 The study of age organization in a coast Amis tribe
巴布麓卑南人的「部落」觀念與建構 The Construction and Concept of Tribe - Papulu
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