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Australian alumni movie night registration form澳洲電影免費放映 -- Sweet Country
族群: 澳洲原住民  
主題: 電影  
活動地點:台北市 全部  台北西門町新光影城1廳

澳洲校友 請看過來!為了歡慶澳洲國家原住民暨島民紀念週,澳洲辦事處特別邀請澳洲校友出席觀賞台北電影節特別於6月29日播映的澳洲電影「甜蜜國度」。


18:00 映前晚宴 - 台北西門町amba Taipei Ximending 台北西門町意舍酒店
19:40 電影特映會 - 台北西門町新光影城1廳

Australian #alumni in Taiwan. In celebration of National Aboriginal and Islander Observance ( #NAIDOCWeek) in Australia, the Australian Office is inviting Australian alumni to a reception and special screening of 2017 Australian Film ‘Sweet Country’ at the Taipei Film Festival on 29 June. ‘Sweet Country’ is an Australian western set on the Northern Territory frontier in the late 1920s, where justice itself is put on trial when an aboriginal farmhand shoots a white man in self-defense and goes on the run as a posse gathers to hunt him down.

18:00 - buffet reception at Amba Hotel, Ximending.
19:40 - movie will be screened at SK Cinemas Shin Kong Cineplex 1, Ximending.

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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