起   - 迄  族群 主題   
2018.03.28 ~ 2018.06.24
Green Touch-亞洲綠色工藝設計展
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 傳統技藝/工藝、文化創意、當代藝術、藝文活動  
活動地點:南投縣 草屯鎮  中正路573號

主辦單位 :國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 研究展覽組 陳小姐
票價說明 :免費參觀
提供服務 :開放攝影、服務諮詢、無線網路

《Green Touch-亞洲綠色工藝設計展》旨在探討當代工藝的綠色設計哲學與實踐,從傳統工藝發展的脈絡中萃取「就地取材」及「手工製作」的精神,著眼於當代工藝從材料的研究、製作的技術、多元用途的開發乃至產品生命週期最終的處置等的友善環境的概念,最終以最合乎時宜的美學形式和使用功能來呈現,更進一步地去探討工藝設計與傳統文化、社會經濟之間的關係。
《Green Touch-亞洲綠色工藝設計展》旨在探討當代工藝的綠色設計哲學與實踐,從傳統工藝發展的脈絡中萃取「就地取材」及「手工製作」的精神,著眼於當代工藝從材料的研究、製作的技術、多元用途的開發乃至產品生命週期最終的處置等的友善環境的概念,最終以最合乎時宜的美學形式和使用功能來呈現,更進一步地去探討工藝設計與傳統文化、社會經濟之間的關係。


臺灣與東南亞國家由於所處地理位置與氣候的關係,造就了工藝材料的多樣性以及豐厚、多元的工藝美學,於2014年前進到亞洲的「M&O ASIA亞洲家具家飾展」,也讓我們從中觀察到亞洲不容小覷的市場力與設計力,因此在這次的展出中,除了推介臺灣的綠色工藝設計表現,亦擷取、蒐羅了包含泰國、菲律賓、印度、印尼、馬來西亞等國的創意能量,《Green Touch》所展現的將是一場臺灣與東南亞諸多國家的工藝設計綠色對話。




Green Touch 手作坊系列活動,自106年11月~107年6月一共8場,歡迎報名參加



★ Green Touch 亞洲綠色工藝設計展粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/GREENTOUCHASIA/


“Green Touch: Asia Eco Craft Design Exhibition” explores the philosophy and implementation of eco design in contemporary craftsmanship. Highlighting the spirits of “local sourcing” and “hand making” within the context of traditional crafts development, the exhibition tackles eco-friendly ideas in contemporary craftsmanship such as material research, production technology, development of multiple functions, as well as end-of-life product disposition, and illustrates how crafts are presented with ideal aesthetic form and functionality, leading to further discussions on the relationships of craft design, traditional culture and social economy.


Because of geographic location and climate conditions, Taiwan and many Southeastern Asian countries are blessed with variety of crafts materials and rich aesthetics. In 2014, during “M&O Asia”, we were very much impressed by the stunning dynamics of marketing power and design capabilities in Asia; therefore in Green Touch, aside from promoting eco craft design in Taiwan, we expand our scope to channel creative energy from Thailand, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia into the exhibition, showcasing a conversation on eco craft design among Taiwan and Southeastern Asian countries.


Through such exhibition with environmental awareness, we look forward to raise public attention for Mother Earth, and that both manufacturer and consumer fully support eco-design strategies, focus on smart consumption, valuing objects, and eventually strive forward towards sustainable development that equally recognizes life, ecology, and health.

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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