起   - 迄  族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群教育、學術研究  
活動地點:花蓮縣 壽豐鄉  志學村大學路二段1-43號

(Austronesian Reconnecting: Taiwan-Aotearoa Indigenous Education Forum)

臺灣和紐西蘭以及其它南島國家的傳統和文化,因為殖民的影響,導致彼此 之間漸行漸遠,傳統知識和文化
也越來越薄。所幸,在過去的 30 年來,原住民 族的高等教育幫助殘存的獨特知識從殖民的廢墟中保存
下來,甚至與時俱進發揮 影響力。基於這樣的背景,我們將重新連結,共同合作編織南島地區的知識體系,
本次的活動是展開合作共同建構南島知識、歷史、文化及語言的共識;並同 時架構臺紐雙邊互惠原則下的原
住民族的人才培育。除了在一線的各級原住民族 教育工作者外,我們也誠摯的邀請所有關心原住民族教育的
人一起來參與,除了 共襄盛舉參與建立合作共同建構南島知識體系的方法與共識外,也試圖透過紐西 蘭毛
邀請您共同參與此次論壇,共同建構南島知識、歷史、文化及語言的共識; 架構雙邊原住民族部落和國際人
才培育模式。藉著陸地和海洋的串連,繼續孕育 著我們的人民,讓祖先的知識與價值永久的延續與傳承。

You are invited to join the ‘Austronesian Sail’ to celebrate and further connections between
indigenous higher education in Taiwan and Aotearoa (New Zealand). The traditions and cultures
of Indigenous peoples in TaiwanAotearoa and other Austronesian countries have dramatically shifted
since the arrival of colonizers.
Fortunately, within the last 30 years, indigenous higher education has played a major role in the
preservation of traditional knowledge as well as signaling its relevance in contemporary contexts.
Given this setting, we hope to reconnect with our brothers and sisters to co-develop Austronesian
indigenous systems, train indigenous talents on both the local and global scale. In addition to
embarking onto a journey of mutually beneficial collaboration, this event will also discuss the
possibility of seeking reconciliation through education as exemplified by Wānanga where indigenous
worldviews and values are held in the core of their practices. We are nurtured by and connected via
land and ocean and we will work together to continue the legacy of our ancestors’ knowledge and values.

一、論壇時間:2017 年 12 月 13 日(三)09:00-12:00



四、報名網址: https://goo.gl/f81mBT , 報名截止日:2017 年 12 月 11 日(一)


六、人數限制:80 名。(中午提供便當,請事先報名)

七、報名聯絡人:「臺灣連結」計畫專案經理連靖 (03-863-5709、iia@gms.ndhu.edu.tw)

八、本次活動網頁: https://goo.gl/g1CWX9

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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