起   - 迄  族群 主題   
2021.08.25 ~ 2031.12.31
【線上展覽】Pakiqecan(結界):原住民對應瘟疫的方式 pakiqecan (protection and seperation): The way the indigenous people faced the plague
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 歷史、典藏單位、藝文活動  
活動地點:全臺 全部

展館說明:本項展示從田野調查與史前館典藏文物出發,藉由第9屆原住民青年藝術節的舉辦,邀集高中職原藝班青年探索族群文化與「疫情」關係,以「環境與疫情」進行藝術創作,同時由資深原住民藝術家引領創作,展開世代主題對話,讓文化傳承在藝術領域播下種子。Through the 9th Indigenous Youth Arts Festival, this exhibition explores the relationship between the culture of the community and the epidemic by inviting youths from high school indigenous art classes to create artworks based on the "environment and the epidemic", while senior indigenous artists lead the creation of artworks and start a dialogue on the theme of generations, allowing the seeds of cultural heritage to be sown in the field of art.

Pakiqecan is a Paiwan word meaning "protection and seperation". In the past, during major disasters or epidemics, Taiwanese indigenous people would hold ceremonies to keep bad luck and evil spirits out of their tribes, and the shamans who performed the ceremonies would often use ritual devices or plants to remove and cleanse them.

Please watch IGTV for the full version

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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