依類型 族群 主題   
2021.10.04 ~ 2021.10.28
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 族群教育  
適用縣市 全臺 全部  

招生名額Enrollment Quota:
一般生2名/ 2 general students;
新住民外加名額1名/ 1 new immigrants quota
甄試方式 Screening Method:資料審查、面試
Data review (50%), Second stage Interview (50%)
系所特色 Program Highlight
The first doctoral program in Taiwan focuses on Taiwan and international Austronesian studies with both theory and practice.
Provide all English Program, recruit domestic and international students to offer the multi-cultural learning and research environment.
Centering on the anthropology, this program also combines linguistics, literature, art, education, social work, public affairs management to provide students with cross-discipline training.
報名日期 Application period: #October_4th_to_28th_2021
簡章下載及網路報名系統 Instruction download and registration: https://enro.nttu.edu.tw/
洽詢電話Contact phone number: 089-517679
更多相關資訊請參閱網站 For more information, please refer to the website: https://pas.nttu.edu.tw

主辦單位 國立臺東大學
受理單位 國立臺東大學
相關連結 https://enro.nttu.edu.tw/